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The nurse came in to tell them that they could see Louis but would need more time with Lizzie. Eleanor was worrying but the nurse assured everything was okay and something about kids always being less cooperative. That seemed to have given Eleanor's mind some peace. "We'll just wait out here, you guys go ahead and see your friend." Eleanor said to Liam, she had started to trust the man, she did not know what it was about that man she found so trusting but he just had this amazing aura that makes you trust him.

"Okay. But I'll be out to call you all once the lads' whole dramatic commotion is done." Liam replied only to be the receiver of Niall's flailing hand. "As if you are any less dramatic, Payno." He said and walked towards Louis' room to see his friend and give him a earful too. Liam just rubbed his head and walked into the room with Zayn on his heels.

Louis' bed was elevated into a sitting position where he sat looking only very little grumpy, not to mention he had a small pout on his face that he will completely deny having if ever asked. "Lads you need to get them to discharge me. I'm FINE. I told them I can go home but they just won't listen to me!" Were Louis' first words to his friends, and it was enough to make Zayn march towards his bed and whack him on his head.

"You almost died if you don't recall." He said give him the most serious look he could muster. "Li, are you sure he does not have some kind of traumatic amnesia?" He continued still looking at Louis, who was rubbing the back of his head, with anger dripping from his face. "I don't know about the amnesia but I'm pretty sure he hit his head somewhere." Niall said joining Zayn next to the bed, also trying to look stern but looked more cute than anything.

"I am telling you that I'm alright, Payno tell them I'm okay." Louis said looking at Liam, pissed at them for trying to keep him at the hospital. "I'm sorry, mate, but you are not. You are not getting out of this, you need rest to fully recover." Liam replied deciding not to help his friend, Louis gave him a betrayed look and Liam just shrugged at him.

"Now that you have thrown your tantrum, how do you actually feel Lou?" Zayn asked, a concerned expression taking over his beautifully structured face. Louis sighed before speaking, "I'm alright guys. Do I not look alright?" Louis said gesturing towards his face with is hands. Niall scoffed at that and said, "As a matter of fact lad, you don't." Making Louis pout again.

"You were shot, Tommo. And if you hadn't noticed they shot you with a gun not a camera! Not one but three bullets went through you. You are lucky they missed vital organs. You are not getting out of this place until the doctors say you can." Liam said the first part with sarcasm and compassion but the last sentence was more stern. "So this is the part of the big ol' speech about how I should take care of myself?" Louis questioned wanting to get done with all of this and get out of the place.

"No. But don't worry, I got that covered." Liam said, Louis wouldn't admit it but he was kinda scared of what Liam might have been planning. "Liam, I guess you should call them in. He is back to his sassy self anyways." Zayn said happy to know his friend was his normal, mentally 5 years old, self as Liam nodded and left the room immediately.

Zayn now took a seat on the bed next to Louis' legs, "We are genuinely thrilled that you are mentally stable, well at least as much as you were before, but you really need to rest to have a full physical recovery." He said placing a hand on one of his knees. "We only want you to get better. What you did yesterday was noble but you could've died, mate. For the love of everything good in the world, think about yourself for once!" Niall said a horrid expression taking over his facial features.

Louis sighed and nodded his head opening his mouth to say something when Liam came back into the room with their sources, the woman he stumbled into and three other women he did not recognize. "Hello, my name is Louis Tomlinson." Louis said with big smile and a small wave towards the new people in the room, who reflected the smile and wave back at him.

"Louis, this is Harry, the source as you know him." Liam said pointed at the curly lad standing next to Perrie. "These are Jessie, Jade and Leigh-Anne, Perrie's friends." Liam continued pointing at the beautiful women, who he was seeing for the first time.

"And this gorgeous woman is Eleanor, the mother of the girl saved yesterday." Zayn said leaving the bed and walking next to the woman and slinging an arm around her shoulder, who rolled her eyes at him, Louis nodded at them. "Thank you for saving Lizzie yesterday. She wouldn't have survived if you hadn't jumped in. So for that, I'll forever be indebted to you." Eleanor said genuinely grateful.

"It's alright. It was my duty to protect her. She had to witness all that because of us anyways." Louis said with a small smile. Eleanor was about to oppose but was cut off by Harry, "I admire you for what you did but your friends are right. Getting shot is not something to be taken lightly, You need loads of rest to fully recover." He said making everyone agree and Liam Niall and Zayn put on smug looks on their faces.

"So, this is your plan? Making everyone tell me to rest and relax?" Louis asked, looking at Liam, in a accusing tone. "Not exactly, but it's close." Liam said feeling really proud of himself. "Why must you force a man perfectly healthy in a hospital, might I add against his will?" Louis asked looking at them all hoping at least one of them will help him. "This is exactly what is going make me walk to the doctors and get your brain tested." Zayn said sternly making Louis huff out a breathe.

"Liam, I don't get it. Why haven't you asked his mother to come here yet?" Jade said making Louis go stiff, "You called my mum?!" Louis asked outraged looking pointedly at Liam. "Calm down, mate. I haven't yet. BUT don't make me call Jay and book her a flight to come here in less than a day." Liam said giving Louis an ultimatum.

"Seriously Payno. We both know you would never let any of our families come here, where there is danger waiting for them." Louis said knowing his best friend would never put any of them in a dangerous position. "Do not use that against me Lou. I will be forced into calling Jay right now." Liam said fetching his phone from his pocket and waving it in the air.

"I think it's time you guys ended your banter and let Tommo rest." Niall said grabbing both lads' attention. "Yeah. We should leave him to sulk all alone." Liam said with a evil grin. "Li, I swear I'll kill you." Louis said attempting to get off the bed but regretting it just as quickly as the pain shoot out in his body. He winced and Zayn was at his side in a second.

Liam was worried, just like every other person in the room, and ran to his other side helping him get into a comfortable position. "So much for a perfectly healthy man. You can not even move out of this bed, let alone this building." Zayn said covering him properly with the blanket. "Stop complaining and rest now. We will be right outside and one of us will be at your side at all times." Zayn said and started herding everyone out.

The girls waved at Louis as they walked out and they guys nodded. Liam caught Eleanor by her arm and whispered something in her ear which Louis couldn't make out. He saw Eleanor give a wide-eyed look to Liam before he walked out and closed the door behind himself, leaving her in the room with Louis.

Louis was confused to say the least when she just stood there for a second. Eleanor slowly turned around with a sheepish grin, "Umm.. Hey." She said making him frown. "Hey?" Louis said more like a question. Eleanor walked towards him stopping a few feet away from the bed. "Yeah, right. So..." Eleanor said trying to come up with something to say, "So..." Louis said, his eyes urging her to continue. Eleanor just sighed and looking at him pleading eyes.

And that was enough for Louis to understand what was happening.

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