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It's been a week since the whole incident in front of the Micheal's office, just like everyday everyone was at the hospital the first thing in the morning, Louis was starting to believe every single one of them is jobless at the moment. Liam and Eleanor were out to get breakfast, Niall and Jade just wouldn't put up with them trying to stay stuck up in the hospital. Louis and Lizzie not being able to leave the building is bad enough that Liam and Eleanor are doing it to themselves.

So now Niall, Jade, Leigh-Anne and Harry stayed back the hospital with Louis and Lizzie, while the rest of them went to have their lunch. "Nialler, you know you can go too, I'm not a baby." Louis said slowly as Niall entered the room from his trip to wending machine to grab a few candy bars for all of them, Lizzie lit up like a Christmas tree at the sight of the sweets.

Niall walked to her bed where Leigh-Anne and Jade were playing with her, giving her a candy bar but taking it away as she reached for it, making her burst into giggles. He continued to do that a few more times making her full on laugh before he gave all them a few bars to eat until the others come back so they can go.

"Not in age you are not, but everyone here knows there are two babies in this room who are admitted in the hospital, Lou." Niall said taking a seat next to Louis, unwrapping one of the bars only for Louis to snatch it away and take a big bite, Niall let out a loud gasp, "Whatchu do tha fur?" He yelled with a high pitched voice, a perfect contradiction to his deep Irish accent. Everyone in the room laughed at his distraught expression. "That's for calling me a baby." Louis deadpanned. 

Niall huffed and turned away from Louis as he opened another one, this time sticking it into his mouth as soon as the wrapper is off. He then turned around when Louis spoke again, "Seriously though, all of you could go with them for lunch. Lizzie and we can manage it on our own, Am I right Liz?" he said the first part to the adults in the room, the last part however he said he said to Lizzie, who yelled a yeah. 

"Maybe but remember how you almost fell on your way to the loo, thanks to Liam you live see another day. I swear a bullet won't kill you. You will trip and bleed to death from all the little wounds you leave untreated." Niall said making Louis look at him with mock irritation, "It was probably ages ago, and a bullet might not kill me but it will kill you. SPOILER ALERT, I'll be the one to pull the trigger." Louis said with a sarcastic smile.

"Uh, it was 3 days ago, right there." Harry spoke up pointing his finger just a step away from the bed. "The floor was wet from mopping!" Louis argued, "They mop the floors when you are still asleep." Jade pointed out. "Then it must have been a banana peel, yes Harry must have dropped a banana the other day, Niall told me he eats a lot of those." Louis said and Harry sat up defensively ready to deny it only to be cut off by Leigh-Anne, "No one is allowed to eat bananas in the room from day one, Liam's strict orders." She said taking a bite of her candy. Louis huffed in fake annoyance which was to cover his embarrassment.

"And none of us have a problem staying here, we wouldn't even come here if we had one." Jade said. "Speak for yourself, I am only here because he could get me kicked out of the team." Niall said making them look at him with wide eyes, "You have a team? Can I join too? I wanna play too!" Lizzie asked getting hyped to play. Louis let out a chuckle before directing his attention to the toddler, "Of course you can, but we need to get out of the hospital first." Louis said to Lizzie, making her pout.

"Then let's go back home to play." Lizzie argued, "I'm ready when you are." Louis said giving dirty looks to the adults in the room, who ignored him in favour of looking at the ceiling. "But seriously though, can you actually kick them out?" Leigh-Anne asked, intrigued, Harry who was sagging on his chair also sat up, interested. "Well, maybe... yeah.. kinda." Louis said trying brush it off, but none of them were having it.

They all looked at him with their eyes drowning in need to know more, Louis sighed, "Well, I could ask the superiors to take them off for bad performance or stuff like that." Louis said, "Well isn't it the usual process for most fields anyway?" Jade asked, "Well, Lou here is one of the best, and the agency trusts him a lot, if he complains we'll go packing off. Oh and also, he did threaten me of doing just that when I did not share my Nandos with him." Niall said making Harry gasp in terror.

"I was hungry, and you had plenty of chicken. And you know it was a joke right?" Louis defended, Harry shrieked making heads turn towards him, "THAT STILL DOESN'T JUSTIFY YOU ASKING FOR HIS NANDOS!!" Harry pretty much yelled. "See, at least one person gets it! No sharing Nandos!!" Niall said like he just won an academy award. 

"Shut up, Neil. It was just chicken." Louis said done with their bullshit. "Would you stop saying that? It's not just chicken, IT'S NANDOS!!!" Niall said making Harry nod his head in agreement, everyone in the room sighed except for Lizzie who was thoroughly enjoying it as she laughed at the adults fight over chicken.

"Fine, I'm sorry I asked you to share your chicken from Nandos, which you had plenty of might I add, because I was hungry." Louis said with a sarcastic smile, "It sounded a lot like sarcasm, but I'll take what I can get out of you." Niall said with a smug expression, which Harry shared, "Yeah what he said." Harry said crossing his arms in front of his chest trying to look tough. 

"Kids." Jade said shaking her head disapprovingly, as Lizzie let out muffled soft giggles from under her hand that covered her mouth. Louis turned to her and mouthed, 'He is crazy.' and made circles with his index finger next to his head, making her giggle even more. Harry and Niall continued their never ending discussion over spicy chicken ignoring every other life in the room.

Louis went back to having childish talk with Lizzie, while Jade and Leigh-Anne spoke about they are going to be miserable again after their getaway is over which Louis found confusing because they spent most of it in the hospital.

It was a matter of time before Lizzie was tired and struggled to keep her eyes open, she was usually very active and barely even took a nap. And now that she got tired ever so often, Eleanor was concerned and asked they doctor if something went wrong during the surgery or if she is having weird side-effects of something.

He reassured her that everything was normal and it was just the medicines that tire her out, 'She took a bullet, I think she deserves we let her sleep if she wants to.' were the words he said to her. Eleanor felt kinda stupid for worrying over that but you can't blame her for being concerned about her daughter, now can you?  

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