Chapter 3: Asking Mum

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After Delilah and I had our coffee and boy talk, I hopped back into my car and decided I needed a little ATL (All Time Low). And as soon as I press shuffle, 'Jasey Rae', my favorite song, comes through my speakers. I start to sing.

"The lights out, I still hear the rain, These images that fill my head, They'll keep my fingers from making mistakes, Tell my voice what it takes, To speak up, speak up  and keep my concious clean when I wake, dont make this easy I want you to mean it, Jasey, say you'll mean it, you're dressed to kill, I'm calling you out, don't wase your time on me."

And soon enough, I'm pulling up to the curb outside my house. My dogs, Mouse(ironically a Great Dane) and Rocco(also ironically a bichon) are standing at the front door waiting for me to come in. I walk up to the door and  walk briskly in, as I am desperately trying to escape the cold. And immediately, my little sister from hell, Court(don't ask about the name)  runs down the stairs yelling "SISSY!" as she was over her little friend Kayli's house when I got home from school. When she gets down the stairs fully, she runs to me as quick as her 6 year old legs can take her, just so she can cling to my legs."Hey munchkin, wassup?" I ask while looking at my mum for help. She shrugs and hands my other little sister Carter a cup for whatever he was getting from the fridge. Yeah, you're talking to the oldest of 5 kids. Court is the youngest.  To elaborate more: Here are our names and birthdays. Keep in mind it's  29 January 2015.

Claire Amelia Valentine: 2 October  1997 (17)

Caleb Samuel Valentine: 19 July 2000 (almost 15)

Carter Grace Valentine: 4 April  2002 (almost 13)

Connor James Valentine: 28 August 2005 (almost 10)

Court Avery Valentine: 3 February 2008(almost7)

        So yeah, we all have C names and out of all of our names, we all agree that Court is the weirdest, we've even tried asking why they named her Court, but they just said it doesn't matter, she's named Court and it won't be changing. But  they did tell us since she was due on Valentines day, they wanted to name her something to do with Valentine's Day, so Court is kinda like Christian Courting maybe? I don't really care enough but still, a confusing name. So after prying Court off my leg, I tell my mum that I'm going upstairs to finish my homework. I walk back into the entry hall to stop at the closet to hang up my leather jacket and turn back towards the kitchen to go up the back stairs, and heading up to the third floor steps, where my room is.

        Considering I am the oldest and there are 5 of us, I have the entire third floor and then Caleb has a part of the basement, and Carter, Connor and Court have their own rooms, even though Carter and Court's rooms are connected. And we all sadly share a bathroom even pr parents share with us. When I get up the last step, I chuck my purse on one of the chairs by the window and walk over to my closet to put my beanie back where it goes. Usually I wouldn't care, but this is my favorite black beanie. And while I'm there I slide off my Vans. And head over to my desk where my backpack is sitting.

        Uggh. The dreaded homework. Algebra, Biology, Dancers Anatomy, History, and Literacy. Looks like I'll be here a while. Yes I did say Dancers Anatomy, I'm a dancer at a perfroming arts school  so I have to do homework for the program I'm in. I am pretty much the only person in our family, other than Carter who is a natural born actress, who will ever go to a performing arts school. Not only am I there for dance, but I'm also there for singing and my guitar playing skills.

        You may know my band, Infinities Play. I'm the frontman. So I sing and play guitar. Another reason I'm like Luke. Delilah's in the band too. She plays guitar and does some vocals. So in that way, she's kinda like Michael. Especially since she recently put purple streaks in her already brown- to-blond ombre hair. Our drummer, Harper is like Ash, loud, funny, the person who talks most, and she's got the prettiest dirty blond/ light brown hair and hazel eyes.  And our bassist, Scarlett, she could be Calum's  sister. It's almost scary how much they look alike. Scarlett is the oldest and I'm the youngest. The funny thing about us is, we didn't know anything about each other when we started two years ago.

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