Chapter 10: New York, New York

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        As we approach the platform of the subway to go to our hotel, I can't help but feel bad that it's only me and Neave. We had to leave the other 2 behind because Neave now hates most of the cheer squad. Ugh, Delilah needs to take a chill pill. It's not because she's mad at me now. It's becoming bullying. And I'm not liking who she has been since the beginning of December. She's a different person. A bitch. But IP wouldn't be IP without Del. So I can't kick her out. But I fairly tempted to on Thursday. But now, after Scarlett talked some sense into me after practice, I decided that it wouldn't be right to abandon her. We get off the subway and make our way to the hotel. We get there and we have two rooms. One for Aislin and her friend Mia, who actually used to baby sit me and my siblings. And one for me and Neave. Our own room! Aislin and Mia are right next door, but still. Freedom for a night. 

Today, we're going shopping and being tourists out and about. I get changed from my travel leggings and sweatshirt, into a pair of jeans, a cute top, and some simple sensible walking shoes. Just kidding. They're heels.  Grabbing my bowler hat from my suitcase and my purse, and we're back out into the cold February  air.  As we exit our taxi, I see a small crowd gathering down by the Toys R Us in Times Square. I suggest we go that way, only because I'm curious to see what the commotion is about. But sadly when we get there, the crowd has dispersed, and whatever was going on, had stopped.

Being an inner 6 year old, I tell Neave that I would like to have a look around Toys R Us for a bit. Only spending time in the Pokemon section of course. I arrive, and head to where the newest set of cards is. Never can have too many. And also grabbing Omega Ruby, as I've been dying to get my hands on it forever. And then ,while looking down at my phone, seeing a text from Neave, who's desperately trying to find me, I bump into somebody. A boy. But not just any boy. I bump into Luke Hemmings. From 5 Seconds of Summer. I look up and immediately I'm frazzled.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. My friend is trying to find me, and knowing her, she'd never look for me here." I blab out quickly.

He chuckles and smiles at me. "You're Claire Valentine." He says simply. Okay, this is creepy now. He knows who i am. I mean, he KNOWS who I am. Granted, he's seen our 'Amnesia' cover, but I wasn;t expecting him to know my name and remember it. 

"And you're Luke Hemmings." I say stupidly back. God. I'm an idiot.

"Now that I'm looking at you in person, you really do look like you could be my sister. The guys have been bugging me about it since we saw the video and they wouldn't shut up about you looking like me." He says. Okay, I'm literally trying to hold my fan girl screams in right now. Dude. I am talking to luke Hemmings, fuck my life if I fuck this up. I stand there waiting for him to answer and realize that he actually was the one who just said something.

"Yeah, maybe I"m adopted and am actually you're real little sister." I say jokingly. He laughs and starts walking backwards.

"Do you wanna meet the rest of the guys? They are jut around the corner, probably being absolute weirdos." He says, walking towards the corner. I follow behind him and we turn the corner, and I spot Michael's faded red hair, and continue to walk behind Luke. Who is extrmely tall, compared to me. Midget at 5' 4". Michael sees me and waves at me, saying "Hey! You're Claire right?! Part of Infinities Play?Luke's little sister?" I shoot him a wink and a thumbs up, motioning, 'Right on the money' and laugh after wards. I introduce myself properly to him, Calum and Ashton, and surprisinly, they all hug me. Because they're only going to be in New York for 2 more days, Luke hands me his phone with a conatct fo rme made up. ' Claire =^.^=', I add my number and hand him my phone with a contact for him 'Luke H XD' and he adds his number.

We say see ya later and I head back into the abyss of Toys R Us to find Neava, while they outisde to their car. That's what that screaming mob was. That's why there were hardly any people in the store. Because security was keeping the fan girl looking people out, to keep the guys safe. And apparently, Neave and I didn't look fan girly. Yet, I'm one of the biggest fan girls. And I met them. And have Luke's number. I guess I'm just a lucky one.

Claire's Outfit:

Neave's Outfit:

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