Chapter 27: Goodbyes, Yelling and Text Messages

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I wake up in the morning, dreading the guys leaving. I've gotten so used to being around them, and their shenanigans, and all  their insane shit. I'm gonna miss it. Especially my brother. 

When I get down the stairs, I seetheir  4 large suitcases still sitting by the front door. Good. I did't miss saying goodbye to them. I hear muffles laughing through the kitchen door, telling me they're in there with my dad probably.

I open the door carefuly, and clear my throat, nitifying them that I've entereed the room. Luke turns around, and pulls me into a hug- one of the last for a while-, while yelling "There's my little sleeping beauty sister!" It's 5:30 in the morning I must remind you. 

When it's time for them to leave, I have to say goodbyes. I hug Ash first, and he says "Bye Claire. I'll see ya in a week. Behave yourself. I'll try to text you or something. Make sure you stay safe. See you on the 28." 

Then Mikey, pulls me in for the biggest hug I think I've ever recieved, saying, "Claire, be careful with fans, I won't be there to save your life next time. At least not while I'm gone.See ya on Saturday little Hemmo" he laighs, and lets go, and tears are starting to form in my eyes, when Calum pulls me in.

"Claire-da-bear. Don't cry. We'll see in not even a week. I'll text you if I can. Okay. And then, when we're back, you'll come back to LA fpr a bit, and wit'll be like we never left. Okay?" I nod, and move to Luke, the tears welling getting bigger, and threatening to spill at any second. 

"Claire, if anyone at school this week asks about us, you don't tell them you're my sister. Just that we found your YouTube and invited you to come out and write and stay with us, and that we're good friends. Got it?" I nod and he continues. "I'll text or FaceTime you whenever I can. And our mum might call you at some point, cause I gave her your number. She wants to get to know her daughter. I'll see you on Saturday. I love you Claire" 

I whisper, "I love you too Luke." into his shoulder. Just loud enough for him to hear. 

I pull away, and they've got to go. We pull ourselves into one big group hug, before they walk through the front door, and towards the black SUV. 


I was in my room, texting Delilah about my emotional goodbye, when the doorbell rings. Since everyone else went out to the movie theaters or something like that, I had to answer the door.

When I pull the large, wooden door open, I reaveal a cold looking Nick. I invite him in, and he tkaes off his coat, and sits on the couch in the living room. 

"Claire, I really wana talk to you." He says, after I've sat down at a safe distance from him. I nod, motioning for him to continue. "I think still love you, Claire. And that I made a mistake last winter, when I left you for Ruby. I never even really liked her. I just liked the idea of dating the head of the cheer squad. Instead of being with an amazing muscian, who little did I knwo could write pretty frickin awesome music." 

"How the hell do you know what my music sounds like? How do I knwo you're not just saying this because I'm "Famous" and you want to be famous too?" I answer, my voice raising.

He raises his hands defensively, starting to speak again, "No. I don't want you because you're famous. And I know about your song writing because, off of the IP Twitter, someone, one of you, tweeted a picture of you writing and I could see a small snippet of the words written on the page. What were they? 'I was better of the night before I met you. But I was mesmerized by every word you spoke.' you met me at a party. Have anything to do with me? Probably."

"You have no right to come into MY home, and then say you LOVE ME. You have no idea what real love is. You never will. You have no right to make accusations that any of my songs are about you. Get the hell out of my house before I call the cops." I say, now standing and pointing towrds the front door. His brown eyes, dialated in shock, from both my actions, and the way I've treated him. He pulls his coat on messily, and shuffles out the door. He mutters, "See ya at school." and is gone. 

I run back up the stairs, and check my phone. 8 missed texts. One from Scarlett. Two from Delilah. Two from Neave. One from Harper. One from Mum. And one from Calum. 

To: Claire-da-Bear- Hi! We miss you! It's going to be weird not having you around this week. Hope you have fun at school, and whatever else you're gonna do this week! Just know we have you in our thoughts, and we hope you have us in yours! When we get back, I wanna talk to you privately. Don't worry, nothing bad. We love you, Claire-da-Bear! See you on Saturday. -Lukey Penguin, Ashtah, Uncle Mike, and Cal Palxxxx (a kiss on the cheek from each of us)

To: Cal Pal- You're in my thoughts don't worry! See you guys Saturday! Hope you have an amazing time in Japan! Talk to you soon! Clairexx

What do we need to talk about? Don't worry? That makes me worry even more. I leave it at that, and check my other messages.

To: CAV- Claire, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine without them this week. What did you do before you met them? Fangirl. You can continue to fangirl, and live without them for a week. You'll have to do it when they leave for tour anyway.

To: CAV- Claire Amelia Valentine. What is wrong? Why won't you answer me? CAV.Answer now.

To: Delly- Del. Chill. I just had to go blow my brains out to Nick. Give me a break. I'm sorry I didn't answer. I'm yours. 

Moving on to Mum, when she doesn't answer

To: Claire- Sweetheart, we'll be out a bit later than expected, we ran into some friends, and their kids at the movies and we're going to grab a bite to eat. There's some left over pizza and lasagna in the fidge. Enjoy! -Mum<3

And Then I check the group chat that I'm in with Scarlett and Harper

From: Scar- Claire, are the guys in Japan yet? Or are they leaving just now? Am I able to come over and spend the night. Parents fighting again. /:

From: Harper Scarper(idk) - Scar, if you need a place, mines open to you. Anyway, Claire can I come over and hang out? I'm bored asf,

To Harper Scarper and Scar- Yeah you guys can come on over. Fam's out. Scar they probs won't mind you spending the night. 

And last but not least, Neave. I haven't really talked to her since I left two weeks ago. So I kinda don't know if we're even true friends anymore.

To: Claire V- Claire, love! How are you? Long time, no see. WE should sit together at unch tomorrow. Do some catching up. Yeah?

To: Claire V- Maybe after school, we can go shopping or something like that? Sound like a plan?

To: Neave O'Brien- Are you sure you're not saying that because you want to be friends with a "famous" person? Cause it sounds that way. 

From: Neave O'Brien- Wow. That hurts that you would think that of your BEST FRIEND. 

To: Neave O'Brien- Best friend? More like aquaintence. More like, I went on a trip and had a fun time, but I probs wouldn't do it again. Cause you're about to use me. And I'm not up for that. 

After that, I send screenshots to the girls, and delete Neave's contact. Wow. Lots and lots of drama today.

A/N: DRAMA. Okay. I'm gonna continue, only because I feel like some people may be sad if I don't so yeah. Any ideas what Calum's gonna talk to Claire about? Any idea if Nick or Neave will try something? OOh I'm excited. This was kinda cliche but idgaf. lmafo. k bye guys. -Abbyxx

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