Chapter 1

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We Grew Up

Chapter 1

*Charlie *

“Prod, stop!” I giggled trying to push him off of me.

“Girl you know you love it.” He said crawling onto me.

“If you say so”

“And I do say so” he kissed my very gently on the lips.

“But seriously we need to get ready for school.” I got up, grabbed some clothes and head to the bathroom to change.

You’re probably thinking the dude in my bedroom is my boyfriend. Wrong. Friend with benefits? Wrong again. We’re just best friends. It’s been that way since diapers. We would always do little things together like sleepovers, going to the park, playing games, and just being little kids. During naps and sleepovers we would always sleep in the same bed, us being little kids.

Now that we’re older, things are just a little bit different. We still have sleepovers, still hangout, still play around, and we’re still best friends. Everything has been bumped up a few notches due to the mental and physical maturity we both faced. We fake flirt, say sexual things, and sometimes act a little sexual too. But that’s normal since we’re teenagers with hormones and ish.

“Charlie, I don’t wanna go to school!” Prod whined.

“Too bad!” My voice echoed off the bathroom walls. “You need to get an education!” I could hear him groaned while he got up and began changing form his Pj’s to his school clothes. I giggled imagining his pouty face.

About 3 minutes later I walked out of my bathroom only to find Prod changing into a fresh pair of boxers. I turned around quickly.

“Dammit Prod, why you taking so long to get dressed!?” This is too annoying.

“I’m tired and I don’t wanna go!” He’s gonna have to stop with all that whining. Once Prod finished dressing I turned around. Just above a whisper I heard “It’s not like you haven’t seen it before…”

He wasn’t wrong. And I did more than just see it. 8th grade year was a horrible year for both of us. My dad had abandoned my mom, my newborn baby brother, and me while Prod’s parents got divorced. Him and his little brother, Jojo, got into so many fights.

Another huge factor was everyone loved the topic of sex. As kids going through puberty, you become curious and want to try new things. A lot of pressure was put on the virgins of the 8th grade class. On top of schoolwork, I might add. That was a stressful period for Prod and I. And I remember every detail from that day as it had just happened.

-Flash Back-

“I beat you again” I said as I laid back on Prod.

“Like I said, I’m letting you win”

“Yeah sure” We were playing Mario Kart Wii that night. My mom was working a double shift and my little brother, Jimmy, was at an Aunts house. Prod was there to keep me company.

“Why do you think everyone’s so obsessed?”

“What are you talking about Prod?” my tongue hug ut my mouth as I was trying to keep my focus on the game.

“At school. Why do you think everyone’s so into sex?” The question caught me completely of guard. I paused the game, sat back, and got my thoughts together.

“I-I’m not sure. Maybe it’s… pleasing?”

After about 10 minutes of silence, I suggested we watch some TV in my room. The topic of sex was still very much on both of our minds. Maybe some TV could help clear our heads. NOPE!

Prod and I have this radar thing. We know when the other wants to try something for the first time. If both want to try it, we do it together. No words needed. That’s how we did all our firsts. First steps, first words, first time riding a bike, first kiss, and now this.

First time having sex.

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