Chapter 7

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It was finally winter break. Billy was spending practically every night with you. Which you didnt mind but your brother did. He didn't understand what you saw in Billy. Almost like how you didnt understand what he saw in Nancy.

Billy and you decided to go feed in the woods before heading back to your place. You turned into a wolf, something Billy would never truly get use to. The two of you ran through the woods as you tried to pick up a scent of a deer, or two. You finally caught onto a scent and took off running on all fours as Billy tried to keep up with you. You stopped behind a tree and Billy stopped behind you. You peered behind the tree. There were two deer grazing on the grass. You looked over to Billy and nodded your head before you jumped ontop of one deer and Billy attacked the other deer. The two of you fed until there wasn't a drop of blood left in Billy's deer and the other deer was torn apart.

You changed back and wiped the blood off from around your mouth with the back of your hand before Billy placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You smiled up at him. His fangs and his yellow eyes were still on full view. "Ready for bed killer?" Asked Billy. You smiled and nodded your head.

The two of you walked back out of the woods and through the park. You heard twigs snapping behind you but you just shrugged it off. It was probably just an animal until you felt a sting of pain going through your neck. You felt the back of your neck. Someone shot you with a tranquilizer dart.

Before Billy had time to react, someone shot him as well. Both of you collapsing on the ground. The last thing Billy remembered is seeing you carried off by two men before his eyes became too heavy to keep open.

Billy finally came to several hours later. He shot up and quickly looked down at his watch. It had already been several hours since the two of you had been tranqulized. "Shit shit shit." Mumbled Billy as he ran his hand through his hair. He quickly ran to the only place he could. Your house. He prayed that your brother was home.

"Hey Harrington open up." Yelled Billy as he banged on the door. "Im coming, this better be good." Yelled Steve. Steve opened the door with a scowl on his face. "What the hell do you want? Where the hell is my sister?" Yelled Steve. "Shes, she's gone. Someone took her. They knocked both of us out with tranquilizer dart. I...I dont know where she is." Said Billy frantically. "Stay here, im going after her." Said Steve as he quickly grabbed his keys off the table next to the door and began to close the door. "Im going with you." Said Billy firmly. "No, you've done enough. Just go home." Said Steve as he started walking to his car. Billy put his hand on Steve's shoulder turning him around so they were face to face. "No one tells me what to do." Billy growled. His yellow eyes on display. "No, go home, you've done enough. I dont know what my sister sees in you anyways." Steve seethed. "No one tells me what to do." Billy roared as he punched Steve in the face. Steve lost his balance for a second before quickly gaining it back. "Fine, but if she gets hurt because of you, I won't hesitate for a minute to kill you." Said Steve. Billy nodded his head in understanding. "Shit." He cursed. "What?" Asked Steve. "She picked me up on her bike. I dont have my car." Said Billy. Steve hesitated for a minute, he knew he would regret this but tossed Billy your spare keys to your bike. "You know how to ride that?" Asked Steve as he motioned to the bike. "Yeah." Said Billy as he caught the keys in his hand and climbed on the bike. "Follow me." Yelled Steve. Billy started the bike up as Steve started up his car and the two of them pulled out of the driveway.

Steve was speeding down the road. He knew what he had to do. He just hope it worked. Billy was following closely behind. Steve ran four red lights in downtown before a cop turned his lights on and pulled out from his spot infront of Billy.

"What the hell is he thinking?" Billy mumbled to himself. Steve pulled off to the side of the road and the police officer pulled up behind Steve's car. Billy parked the bike behind the officer's vehicle. The cop got out of his vehicle and readjusted his hat before walking over to the drivers side window of Steve's BMW. "Steve, what the hell are you doing? I should write you a ticket for that." Said the cop. "Hopper, someone took (Y/N). I've gotta talk to her Hop. I need to find out where my sister is." Said Steve frantically. 'Who is he talking about?' Billy thought. "Fine, follow me." Hopper sighed and got back into his vehicle.

Hopper turned his siren off and got infront of Steve's car before all three of them took off towards the outskirts of town.

Hopper pulled off on a patch of dirt on the side of the road as Steve and Billy did the same. "Its a five minute walk up there, watch out for the trip wire." Hopper told Steve and Billy. Hopper also gave them the secret knock. They both nodded their heads and took off towards the direction Hopper pointed them too.

"Harrington, trip wire." Said Billy as he pulled Steve back before Steve could set it off. "Thanks." Steve mumbled before stepping over the trip wire.

They finally made it to the porch and did the secret knock Hopper gave them. The door opened and revealed someone Billy wasn't expecting to see. Max. "Max what are you doing here?" Billy growled. "These guys told me about this girl who they were friends with had these...powers. I wanted to find out why you have been so mean and cold to me." Said Max. Billy gave her an apologetic look. "Who are these guys?" Billy asked. "This is Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and this is El." Said Max. Billy gave a small wave.

"I told her I was unsure as to why you have been mean and cold to her. I know what you are. You need to tell her the truth." Said a voice inside Billys head. "Who are you?" Billy said in his mind. "Over here. Its me, El." Said El inside Billys mind. "She won't accept me. She will hate me forever. I'm trying to keep her safe." Billy said in his mind. "She won't run away from you. Just try." Said El in Billy's head. Billy nodded his head.

"El, we have a problem. (Y/N) was kidnapped. Can you track her down for us and tell us where she is?" Asked Steve frantically. El nodded her head and walked over to the TV turning it to static before putting a blindfold over her eyes.

Billy took this time to talk to Max in private. "Max, can I talk to you outside?" Asked Billy. Max hadnt heard her brother speak to her so calmly. It was eerily strange to her. "Sure." She said as the two of them walked out the door to the porch. "Do you want to know why I've been so cold to you?" Asked Billy? "Yes please tell me." Pleaded Max. Billy sighed. "I wanted to keep you safe. I didn't want you to be scared. I've been trying to protect you. " said Billy. "From what?" Asked Max confused. "From me." Said Billy. "What do you mean?" Asked Max. Billy turned around so he was no longer facing Max. After a few moments Billy turned back around and showed Max his piercing yellow eyes and fangs. "B..billy?" Max said shocked. "Im a vampire Max. It happened when we still lived in Santa Carla. I didn't want you to be involved in this. I wanted to keep you safe." Said Billy. Max ran over to Billy and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Your my brother, I will never fear you." Said Max. Billy wrapped his arms around his sister. "Thank you." Said Billy. "We should probably get inside El might have found something." Said Max. "Max, please keep this between us." Said Billy. Max nodded her head before the two of them went back inside.

"I found her. Hawkins Lab. She is restrained in a chair. It looks like there's other people locked up as well." Said El. "Ill rescue (Y/N), you rescue the other people locked up." Said Billy. "No, she's my sister. Ill save her." Said Steve. "This is my fault, let me fix it." Billy pleeded. "Fine." Mumbled Steve. El quickly gave the Steve and Billy directions to Hawkins Lab before they walked to the door.

"Guys, stay here. We will come back here once we have (Y/N)." Said Steve before Billy and him walked out the door. They both practically ran to the vehicles as they avoided the trip wire.

You started to wake up and noticed you were tied up in a chair with restraints. You had leather straps going across your chest and legs. Your wrists and ankles had metal cuffs holding you to the chair. 'What the hell?' You thought to yourself. You saw an IV bag that had the tube connected to your vein on the inside of your arm pumping you with a fluid that looked like blood. 'What the fuck is happening?' You thought to yourself. You began trying to get free from the restraints but you were still dizzy and weak from the tranquilizer dart. "Hello angel." Said someone next to you. You knew the voice and instantly realized this wasn't good.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter. Next one will be longer.

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