Chapter 28

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Warning- A/B/O dynamics, mentions of rape, suicidal thoughts, character death. Read at own risk.

You instructed Steve and Sapphire to hide before heading back inside the cave. You ran your right hand through your hair before mumbling to yourself.

Marko caught on to your distraught look and tried to comfort you but it was too late. You were in your own head now.

"Raven come with me. I'm going to need some back up." You yelled over your shoulder as you headed into one of the spare rooms of the cave.

Raven quickly followed you. "Whats the plan." Asked Raven as she tried to keep up with your pace. "First thing we need to get the guns and the ammo." You said as you turned the corner and entered a small room in the cave. You grabbed the lantern next to the wall and turned it on. The light lit up the room. You moved a bolder covering the guns and ammo and placed the bolder to the side. You began loading the magazines into the 9mm guns Hopper gave you.


Hopper came over well the boys were out hunting leaving Raven and you alone in the cave. "Got a few things for you incase Cole and his group try to get into the cave." Said Hopper as he handed you two ammo cans full of ammo and a few hand guns.

"Hopper, regular bullets won't work against werewolves." You said. "Good thing they aren't regular bullets. I stopped by Max's house and he gave me a name of a guy that makes silver bullets." Said Hopper matter of factly. "Thanks Hop." You said giving him a hug. "Just don't let those boys know about this. Who knows how they would react. You two know how to use those right?" Asked Hopper as he looked between you and Raven. The two of you nodded your head. "Good. If the time comes just promise me the two of you will be careful." Said Hopper.

End flashback

"Angel what are you doing?" Asked Marko as he leaned up against the wall. Luckly he hadn't noticed the guns yet. "Im finishing this once and for all." You growled as you made sure there were no rounds in the chamber.

Raven and you grabbed the guns and the boxes of ammo off the ground and began heading to where Marko stood. "Why do you have guns?" Asked Marko worriedly. "Like I said I'm finishing this once and for all. They have been ruining my life so its time to ruin there's." You growled as you walked past Marko with determination in your eyes.

You werent going to let Cole and the rest of them continue to make your life a living nightmare. Its because of them Steve and you haven't really talked. Its because of them Marko almost died. Everything bad that has happened since moving to Santa Carla can be traced back to them.

"Hey killer what do you have- WHAT THE HELL ARE DOING?" Asked Billy. "Im finishing this. Now are you boys with me?" You asked as you looked around the main room in the cave.

"Im always with you girly." Said Paul. "As am I princess. Someone's gotta keep Paul and you out of trouble." Said Dwayne. "Ive been waiting for this day to finally come." Said David as he grabbed a gun from you. "God damn it Angel." Said Marko shaking his head and wrapping an arm around your waist.

All eyes were now on Billy. "Ill enjoy this." Said Billy as he licked his bottom lip and flashed you his typical smirk.

"Thank you." You said smiling. "So what's the plan?" Asked Marko. "You're not going to like the plan but, the plan is I go out alone. The rest of you stay near the exit of the cave. As soon as they begin to attack start firing." You said. Everyone nodded their heads except for the two people you were most afraid of in this very moment. "That is the dumbest plan I've ever heard. We are not using you as bait." Billy growled. "Billy's right. You are not going to be bait. If anyone is going to be bait, call your brother to be bait." Said Marko. "I agree, Harrington can be the bait. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you under my watch killer." Said Billy as he gave you a concerned look.

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