Chapter 15

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Graduation was finally over. Raven, Marko, Paul, Dwayne, and David made sure to cheer Steve, Billy, and you on as the three of you recieved your diploma. Your adopted parents didn't even come home to see Steve and you graduate. To say it didn't bother you was a lie. It didn't bother you that they didn't show up to see you graduate but it bothered Steve. Thats what hurt the most.

Ever since Steve and Nancy broke up, Steve and you have gotten closer again as siblings. Even though the two of you still fight and argue, you know deep down he loves you and you love him too.

You had been having this strange vivid dream since graduation. In the dream, you were back in California with Marko and the rest of the lost boys. You would be staring out into the beautiful ocean during the sunset holding a baby. Marko would come up behind you and peer down at the baby. When you looked at the baby you would see the spitting image of Marko. You didnt want to believe it was real. It couldn't be real. You didnt think it was possible, you just shurgged off the dream until your stomach began to ache.

You had been having stomach aches for the past few weeks. You decided you didn't want to talk to the guys about it because all they would do was worry. You went to the only person you could trust in this situation. Raven. You walked down to the basement and flipped the light on.

"Whoever it is come back later." Raven mumbled. "Ray, this is serious i need to talk to you." You said as you walked further down the basement steps over to where she laid on the couch. She opened her eyes and noticed the fear and worry in your eyes. "Sit. Now." Said Raven sternly.

You did as you were told and sat next to her. "Whats wrong?" Asked Raven as she wrapped an arm around you. You began to explain to her about the dream you had been continously having as well as the stomach pain. Her eyes widened at the information she was given. "I didn't think that was possible." Raven mumbled. "Neither did I." You admitted quietly. "Have you told Marko?" She asked. "No, im afraid what he's going to say. I know he loves me u conditionally and we're engaged to be married. But I can't shake these what if's." You admitted. "Do you think that witch El would be able to tell you anything?" Asked Raven. "I dont know, I was kind of hoping you would come with me." You said looking hopeful. "Yeah, ill come with you. I had plans with Billy but ill cancel. This is more important." Said Raven as she stood up from the couch. You stood up as well and the two of you began heading back up the basement steps.

"Where are you going?" Asked Marko as you passed the kitchen. "Spending a day with Raven. Girl stuff." You said anxiously. Raven nodded in conformation. "Can I go?" Asked Paul. You silently told him no. "Nevermind, I forgot I had plans today anyways." Paul quickly said. He gave you a look silently telling you that you would have to explain later.

As Raven opened the front door, Billy was standing on the porch getting ready to knock. "Are you ready to go?" Asked Billy. Raven looked to you before looking behind her to Marko watching suspiciously. Raven quickly closed the door behind the two of you before dragging Billy back to his Camaro. "We need a favor." Said Raven to Billy. "Whats up?" Asked a confused Billy. "We need a ride to see that witch El." Said Raven. Billy looked confused before glancing over at you. "Everything okay killer?" Asked Billy. "Billy i promise ill explain everything in the car, we just need to go now." You said sternly.

Billy ran to the driverside door well Raven opened the passanger side door allowing you to climb into the back of the car. Raven then adjusted the seat and got into the passanger side before closing the door.

"So what the hell is going on?" Asked Billy as he pulled out of the driveway. "Ive been having this weird dream, I keep having it every night. In the dream, im standing on the beach looking at the ocean back in California holding a baby. Marko walked up behind me and the two of us look down at the baby. It's a spitting image of him. At first I thought it was nothing, but lately I've been having stomach pain. I've also been feeding more often then normal. We are hoping El would be able to shed some light on what's going on. I didn't think vampires could have children." You sighed. "Shit." Was all Billy could say.

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