Chapter 20

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You were woken up in the middle of the night by footsteps coming from Marko's and your room. You lit a candle next to your side of the bed. Infront of the bed looked a very pissed off Max. "Max, what the hell are you doing here?" You asked. Marko quickly woke up at the sound of your voice. He saw Max standing infront of the bed. "I thought I taught you manners Marko. Did you forget to come to the house tonight so we could discuss everything going on?" Max asked. "You told us not to leave the cave." Marko smirked. You nudged him in the stomach silently telling him to be quiet. "Im sorry Max, we actually came up with a plan." You said trying to brake the tention. "Whats your plan?" Asked Max. "Steve is going to pretend to join their group and try to seduce Sapphire in the process. He will report everything back to us, maybe Sapphire will end up joining us instead. She didn't look happy being there with Cole and the rest of the group when I saw them." You said quickly, afraid of what Max was going to say.

Max sighed heavily before sitting on the bed next to you. "Please be safe my dear child. Those boys are smart, and cunning. They might not believe your brother is really there to join their group." Said Max worriedly. "We will be careful Max. I promise." You said confidently. Max nodded his head before wrapping his arms around you and embracing you in a hug.

Max stood up off the bed before making  his way towards the door to the bedroom. "If you need anything, don't hesitate for a minute to ask. You have always been like a daughter to me which is why I feel the need to protect you. All of you." Said Max before he left.

Marko pulled you back into his embrace before the two of you fell back to sleep. Max's words danced around in your head for the rest of the night. Would Cole's group truly believe that Steve wanted to join them?

The next morning, you decided to come up with something so crazy that it just may work. You had to have a fight with your brother in public, infront of Cole and his group. Maybe then they will be convinced.

You woke up before Marko and headed towards the main area of the cave to see David sitting in his wheelchair, Dwayne on the couch reading a book, and Paul dancing around well blasting music on the radio. You looked around for Steve, Billy, and Raven but they were no where to be found. "If you're looking for your brother and the rest of them, they went back to their apartments. They should be by shortly." Said David. You nodded your head before walking over to David.

You sat on David's lap. Something you did when you first came to Santa Carla. David wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you stable. "I think the only way that Cole's group will believe that Steve is willing to join them is if we have a fight infront of them." You said barely above a whisper.

David snubbed out his cigarette before brushing some hair out of your face. "I think that doing so will be the best. Also, if he joins Cole's group, he won't be able to come here anymore. At least not for awhile." Said David. "I know I won't be able to really see him. I just want him to be safe. I really hope this works." You said truthfully. "As do i." Said David pulling you in for a hug.

Marko finally appeared into the main area of the cave. You carefully got off of David's lap and walked over to Marko and pecking him on the lips. "When Steve gets here, I need to talk to him. I need to have a fight with him infront of Cole's group so its much more believable that he would join them." You said wrapping your arms around Marko and burning your head in his chest.

Marko placed his fingers under your chin to lift your head up slightly before looking into your eyes. "Are you sure you can do that angel. Have a fight like that?" Asked Marko. "I dont have a choice." You sighed. Marko wrapped his arms around you. Being pregnant has made your emotions all out of wack. You typically loved getting into fights with your brother. Especially because it always made you happy seeing him all pissed off brought a smile to your face. But now, it hurt you to have to do this.

Marko carried you over to the couch and instructed you to lay your head on his lap. Dwayne grabbed your legs and swung them up so they were on his lap before looking over at you smiling.

You didnt realize you fell back asleep until you heard Billy, Raven, and your brother walking into the cave.

You quickly got up off the couch and ran over to your brother embracing him in a hug. "Woah whats this for?" Asked Steve as he regained his balance. "I just need to talk to you." You said nervously. "What is it?" Asked Steve as he cupped your face in his hands staring at you. "We need to have a fight infront of Cole and his group. If we have a big enough fight, they might believe you truly do want to join them." You said as you waited for your brother to say something back. "Whats the fight going to be about?" Asked Steve. "You trying to convince me to join with you." You said. "What are you going to say?" Asked Steve as he furrowed his brows. "Thats the thing. I don't want to tell anyone what I'm going to say so everyone's emotions and expressions are genuine. Just know I don't mean anything and that I love you. " You said. "Alright. I love you too." Said Steve squeezing you tightly.

"So is it going to be like the old times then?" Billy joked. "Worse." You said. Billys eyes grew wide. He has witnessed enough times Steve and you going at it. He can't imagine it being worse.


Hopper, Maxine, Lucas, and Erica were planning on meeting everyone at the boardwalk. You decided to go into work one last time. You figured Cole and his group would pay you a visit. Max stayed in his office.  El had placed a soundproof barrier around the outside of the video store to where only supernatural people can hear.

Steve walked around the video store well Marko and the rest of the boys were on standby a few stores down.

As if on cue, Cole and his group walked into the video store. As soon as Steve laid his eyes on Sapphire, you would have swarn your brother stopped breathing. He was head over heals for her.

"Hello again beautiful. Have you thought about what we discussed?" Asked Cole as he leaned over the counter so he was only inches away. "Yes I have. May we talk outside?" You asked. "Anything for you beautiful." Said Cole. Steve began following you outside the video store. "Who's this?" Asked Cole. "This is my brother." You said hoping this plan was going to work.

"Steve." Said Steve as he extended his hand to shake Cole's hand. "Cole." Said Cole as he shook your brothers hand. "So have you made up your mind?" Asked Cole. "Yes we have." Said Steve trying to sound in charge. Phillip, Dylan, and Joseph all eagerly awated the answer. Sapphire looked at Steve nervously. "Whats the answer?" Asked Cole. "The answer is yes." Said Steve puffing his chest out. "Good." Said Cole smiling ear to ear.

Show time. "Steve what the hell is wrong with you. I'm not joining them. I thought you agreed we wouldn't join them." You said bluntly. "We have to. What has your precious vampires done for you besides knock you up." Yelled Steve. "You know what Steve. Nancy was right. You are bullshit, you will always be bullshit." You spat. "And you're a whore. First Billy and then not even a week later you're with Marko." Steve spat. That one hurt but you had to go with it. "At least I know I'm loved. Did Nancy ever really love you or was that all just bullshit too." You spat. That might have been too much but you didnt care. You had to make it look convensing. Thankful Erica and the rest of the kids couldn't hear any of this besides El. "Fuck you. You're not my sister anymore. It's us or them. Whats it going to be?" Steve asked. "Them. It will always be them." You said without thinking twice before walking off and heading towards Marko.

"Leave her. She's not worth it." Said Cole putting a reassuring hand on Steve's shoulder. "Yeah you're right." Said Steve as he watched you walk away. That was the worst fight that the two of you had ever had, even if it was fake. It seemed real. Steve wondered if you actually felt that way. You wondered if thats what Steve thought of  you too.

You shrugged it off and embraced Marko. Marko squeezed you tight well you began crying. "Out of my way. Move it twisted sisters friend." Said Erica. Erica wrapped her small arms around you hugging you. She's never hugged you in public yet alone infront of everyone but all you could think about was wrapping your arms around the smaller girl. Raven joined in on the hug as everyone followed their lead and all embraced you in a hug.

You really hope you did the right thing. You loved your brother more than anything.

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