Chapter 17

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One month later

Everything has been perfect this past month. You have been working at Max's video store. Max had you come in as soon as the sun set which was nice. You decided you didn't want to tell Max about how you and the rest of the boys can walk in the daylight thanks to El.

Steve had found his own place in town. It was a small apartment but it was close enough so he could see you everyday. Billy and Raven also found a place of their own as well. You had thought about talking to Marko about getting your own place together but you couldn't bring yourself to have that discussion with him. His brothers and him were so close you knew it would break his undead heart to leave his brothers.

Marko and you had made an appointment to go see a doctor about the baby. You just wanted to do a checkup and hear the baby's heartbeat.

You hopped on the back of his bike before heading to the doctors office. The ride was silent. You were nervous as to how the appointment would do. Everything was beginning to feel so real to you.

Once you got to the doctors office and checked in, Marko and you sat down in the waiting room. Marko continued to bite his thumb from the nerves he was feeling well you continued to bounce your leg.

The nurse finally called your name and lead you to a room and instructed you to lay down on the examination table. Once you laid down on the table, Marko stood next to you and took your hand in his. "The doctor will be in shortly." Said the nurse. You thanked the nurse before she left the room.

Minutes felt like hours as you began to feel anxious. "Marko?" You said looking over at your mate as he began to chew on his thumbnail again. "Its going to be okay angel." Marko cooed.

The doctor finally came in. "Ah you must be (Y/N) and Marko. My name is Dr. Smith. Let's have a look at the baby shall we." Said Dr. Smith. He began getting the machine's set up. He lifted your shirt up so your stomach was exposed. The doctor began putting the gel on the transducer. "This is going to be cold." Said Dr. Smith as he put the transducer on your stomach.

You began hearing your baby's heartbeat and it brought a tear to your eye. "Wait a minute." Said Dr. Smith as he moved the transducer around more on your stomach. You then began hearing what almost sounded like two heartbeats. "Congratulations mom and dad, your expecting twins." Said Dr. Smith. You looked over at Marko who began to cry which began to bring more tears to your eyes.

Dr. Smith wiped the gel off your stomach and pulled your shirt back down. "Come back in another month so we can check how the twins are doing." Said Dr. Smith before leaving the room.

You looked over at Marko who had tear stained cheeks. "Twins?" Said Marko verifying he heard Dr. Smith correctly. "Twins." You said in conformation as you slowly got up off the examination table.

Once you were off of the examination table Marko wrapped his arms around you before bending down so he was eyelevel with your stomach. "Daddy loves the two of you so much." Marko cooed before peppering your stomach with kisses causing you to giggle. You love this man with all your heart and soul.


It was finally night time and you were working at Max's video store. Marko and you decided not to tell anyone about you being pregnant with twins until later on. You wanted to have a celebration and tell them all at once.

It was a slow night at the video store. Mostly locals would come in to rent videos. You could hear the buzzers of the games and see the lights from the rides outside of the windows in the video store.

You looked up at the clock, it was already 10:00pm. Only one hour to go then you could meet up with Marko and the rest of the boys on the boardwalk.

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