Chapter 31

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3 months later

Living in Max's old house brought a sense of happiness. You knew your children were going to be safe.

You were currently finishing up painting the nursery. You decided to go with a neutral color. You chose iris because it was one of your favorite colors besides black.

You stepped down off the ladder you were standing on to admire your work. Just as you realized you missed a spot, Marko came into the nursery to check on you. "Angel come rest you have been painting all day." Said Marko as he grabbed your waist and spun you around to face him. You still had the paint roller in your hand. That's when you got a genius idea. Stupid but genius idea. "I will. I just missed one spot." You said before taking the paint roller to the side of Marko's face. He quickly let go of your waist to wipe his face off. Thats when you dropped the paint roller and took off running. "Youre going to pay for that Angel." Marko growled as you bolted down the steps like a cannon.

Marko could hear you laughing as you ran through the house. You ran past a barking Fang as you ran into the kitchen. Once you ran into the kitchen you ran into David. "Whats wrong?" David asked. "Angel where are you?" Marko asked in a sing song way. This wasn't good. He only did that when you were in a huge amount of trouble.

"I got Marko in the face with the paint roller." You said quickly as you looked for Marko. "On purpose or accident?" Asked David. You just smirked and he had his answer.

"Go hide. I'll distract him." Said David. You quickly gave David a kiss on the cheek before going to the only spot you could think of to hide.

You climbed into the cabinets under the kitchen island. Luckly for you, there was nothing in these cabinets. David helped to make sure you got in safely before shutting the door.

Just as he shut the door you heard Marko walk into the kitchen. You placed your hand over your mouth so Marko didn't hear you.

"Hey Marko, everything okay?" Asked David. "Yeah everything is fine. You haven't seen (Y/N) have you?" Marko asked. "No I haven't seen her. But here take this to get the paint off your face." Said David handing Marko a kitchen towel. "Thanks." Said Marko as he wiped the rest of the paint off his face.

"Well, I'm heading out. I'll see you later." Said David before walking out of the kitchen to the front door.

As soon as David was gone, Marko paced around the kitchen. "Angel, I know you're in here. Your punishment will be a lot less severe if you just come out." Marko growled.

Just the thought of being punished by him sent heat right to your core. "Angel, I know you're in here and can hear me. I can smell your arousal. You want to be punished dont you. My naughty naughty girl. You'll get your wish as soon as I find you." Marko said seductively.

You whimpered at the thought of getting punished by him. You had a thousand thoughts going through your mind just as the cabinet doors opened. "Got ya." Marko grinned.

He carefully got you out of the cabinet before throwing you over his shoulder and flew upstairs.

Since moving into the house he installed some things in the bedroom. He had giant hooks attached to each post of the bed frame so he could chain you to them.

Marko laid you on the bed before chaining your wrists and ankles to the bed. He made sure to kiss each of your wrists and ankles before placing the chains on them. Once he knew you were secure, he tore your clothes off of you leaving you completely naked.

He took a blindfold and carefully covered your eyes. "D..daddy." You whimpered, afraid as to what was to come. He never used a blindfold on you before. "Yes pet." Marko rasped by your right ear before grazing his fangs down your neck. Once he found your most sensitive spot on your neck he drove his fangs in which elected a loud moan. With your eyes covered, all of your other senses were heightened. Once Marko thought you had enough, he pulled his fangs out of your neck and lapped up the blood before your neck healed.

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