Chapter 8

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"Hello angel." Said a voice next to you. "M..marko?" You said in shock. "Hey." Said Marko as you looked towards the voice. "Whats going on? Why are we tied up?" You asked as you noticed he was also tied up. "They took me and my brothers, kept us sedated. They knew what we are just like they knew what you are angel. They took my blood and have been putting it into your veins. They wanted to turn you into a hybrid. A double threat. Someone stronger then any vampire, or werewolf. You would be the strongest creature alive." Said Marko. You exhaled the breath you didnt realize you were holding. "Why me?" You asked.

"Somehow they knew we were connected. Almost like they knew about what happened in the summer of 1982." Said Marko through the mind link. "How are we doing this?" You responded through the mind link confused. "I told you, you're one of us now. I'm sorry. I didn't want it to end up this way for you. Even back then, I wanted to turn you and make you mine forever but it had to be your choice and now its gone." Said Marko sadly through the mind link. "Marko, do you think since the sedation is wearing off you can break out of those restraints?" You asked through the mind link. "You know I can angel, remember that one time when we were in bed and you had me-" You cut Marko off. "Marko! Focus!" You said through the mind link as you glared at him. "Sorry angel. Someone is coming." Said Marko through the mind link.

Marko and you pretended to still be sedated when someone with a lab coat came through the door. The man in the lab coat walked over to Marko, but before the man could do anything Marko broke free of the restraints and drove his fangs into the man's juggler before sucking him dry.

Marko walked over to you and broke you out of the restraints. "Come on angel, lets get the rest of my brothers and then we can kill every last one of these assholes." Said Marko as his eyes changed color and his fangs appeared. You nodded your head in responce before the two of you opened the door.

Just as the two of you opened the door you heard yelling and screaming. It sounded like your brother and Billy were here. "Who the hell is that?" Asked Marko as he saw a man turn into a wolf before looking back at you. "That would be my twin brother." You said shrugging.

You saw Steve rush past the two of you. Marko and you walked out of the room. "Go outside, ill make sure your brothers get out okay. Just go." You told Marko. Marko hesitated briefly before nodding his head and running towards the exit.

You began walking towards Billy trying to rush him out as well but before you could, a guard with a tranquilizer dart was behind you. Billy rushed past you and tackled the guard to the ground before he sunk his fangs into his juggler and draining him dry. Billy was no longer a halfling. He was now a full vampire.

Another guard came out of a room and shot the tranquilizer dart at Billy. Before you could even think about what you were doing you jumped ontop of the guard and sunk your fangs into his neck and draining his blood. There was no going back now, you were now a hybrid.

Marko sensed there was something wrong so he ran back inside only to find Billy unconscious on the ground and you licking the blood off your fingers. "A..angel?" Said Marko. "Yeah." You said chuckling a little.

You began hearing yelling and screaming coming from down the hallway, without thinking twice Marko and you ran towards the sound of the screaming. Marko and you came up to a pile of dead bodies. All belongong to either men in lab coats or guards. You noticed next to the bodies was your brother and the rest of the lost boys. "Hiya girly." Said Paul. "Hiya Pauly." You said with a smile on your face. "Are you still a bitch?" Asked David. "Are you still an arrogant asshole?" You asked with a smirk on your face. "Hey princess." Said Dwayne. "Hey Dwayne." You said smiling ear to ear. "Come here." Said David. You ran over to David and jumped in his arms giving him a hug. "You know, she is the only person I've ever met that would call me out for my bullshit." Said David to Steve. "Yeah she's pretty good at that. So how do you know these guys?" Asked Steve. "Remember that summer i spent in California to get away from everything?" You asked. Steve nodded his head for you to continue. "Well thats where I met them. "This is David, Dwayne, Paul, and Marko." You said smiling. "Are you going to tell him what you are now?" Asked David through the mind link. "Ill tell him after we get out of here but right now, im really hungry." You said flashing your fangs. Luckly Steve didn't notice. David nodded his head and motioned for you to follow him before placing you back on the ground.

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