Chapter 10

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"Wake up love birds." Yelled Paul in your ear. "Wheres the snooze button?" You asked as you hit Paul in the stomach. "Wake up!" Said Paul again. "But I'm comfortable." You mumbled still in Marko's arms. "Its time to go feed." Said Paul causing Marko and you to open your eyes. You glanced over at the clock on your bedside table. It was 8:00 pm. "Alright alright alright we'll get up." You mumbled trying to get out of bed only for Marko to pull you closer to him and begin to tickle you. "Stop it." You yelled in-between fits of laughter. "Nope! You know what I want to hear." Said Marko. Finally your fits of laughter got the better of you and you snorted from all of the laughter. "There it is. I missed that." Said Marko as he placed a kiss on your temple. "I hate you." You mumbled. "No you don't. You love me." Said Marko smiling ear to ear which resulted in you flicking him off. Paul couldn't stop laughing at how Marko and you were towards eachother.

Your bedroom door burst open and in walked David and Dwayne. "Marko let her go so we can go feed." Said David picking you up out of bed and throwing you over his shoulder. When David turned towards the door you saw Marko sitting on your bed pouting. How it made you sad to see him pout. Dwayne followed David out your bedroom door leaving Paul and Marko alone. Once David made it down the steps and into the kitchen he gently placed you back on the ground. "I dont think its a good idea leaving them in the bedroom unsupervised." You joked. "Well if they break anything or make a mess then they will clean it up." Said David firmly causing the both of you to chuckle. Even Dwayne chuckled. Dwayne was normally silent but when he had something to say he would tell you. "I missed you guys." You said truthfully. "We missed you too. Marko wouldn't shut up about you." Said David. Dwayne nodded in agreement.

Steve walked into the kitchen and cleared his throat making you notice him. "Can I borrow my sister for a few?" Asked Steve. David and Dwayne nodded in agreement. Steve motioned for you to follow him which you did. The two of you walked out to the back yard to talk in private. "So what's going on with you and whats his name. Marko?" Asked Steve. "Thats my mate. My forever." You said not looking Steve in the eyes. "What about Billy?" Asked Steve confused. "Thats where things get complicated. I have two mates. I feel a pull towards Marko just like I feel a pull towards Billy." You said sighing. "What are you going to do sis?" Asked Steve pulling you in for a hug. "I...I dont know." You said as tears began to well up in your eyes. "As long as you're happy, ill support you." Said Steve squeezing you tighter.

"All good out here angel?" Asked Marko as he opened the sliding door to the back yard. "Yeah, all good." You said smiling and walking over towards Marko who had his arms out for you. You wrapped your arms around him as he held you tight. Never wanting to let you go again. "Lets go feed." Said Marko placing a gentle kiss to your forehead making you blush. You nodded your head and walked back inside with Marko. Marko had his arm lazily wrapped around your shoulder.

There was a knock on the door. "Ill get it." Said Paul running towards the door. "Hey (Y/N) Billy's here." Said Paul opening the door up wider for Billy to come inside. "Hey killer." Said Billy as you walked over to him. You heard a low growl coming from Marko. You shot Marko a glare before wrapping your arms around Billy. "We were getting ready to feed. Do you want to go with us?" You asked. "Sure killer." Said Billy placing a kiss to your lips. You heard another growl coming from Marko.

Unbeknownst to you, Paul noticed Markos attitude shift when Billy came into the house. "Marko can I talk to you for a few?" Asked Paul as he pulled Marko out of the room. "What?" Asked Marko. "Look, (Y/N) has two mates, Billy and you." Said Paul. Marko growled at that. "What do you mean?" Marko growled. "She has a pull to Billy, and you." Said Paul. "I dont like sharing." Said Marko. "I know, but I don't think that the pull towards Billy is as strong as the pull towards you. I think you truly are her true mate. I see the way she looks at you, versus the way she looks at Billy." Said Paul. Marko nodded his head, still trying to wrap his mind around everything.

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