Chapter 27

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Warning: Mild dirty talk

Marko and you woke up still tangled in eachothers arms. "Morning angel." Mumbled Marko sleepily. "Morning." You yawned as you gave Marko a kiss.

You slowly sat up in bed still sore from last night's events.  As you went to get up out of bed you heard Marko chuckle to himself. "What are you- Oh yeah that." You said as you heard Marko quickly get up out of bed and rush over to you before you could pull the plug out. "I think you should leave it in." Said Marko as he grazed his fangs across the back of your neck.

"Not on your life. Unless you want me to shove this up your ass." You joked. "Fine." Marko pouted as he pulled the plug out of your ass and cleaned it off.

The two of you got changed. You still had to get your bike and clothes from Raven. You hoped she would be by soon so you could show off your new clothes to Marko.

As Marko and you walked out of the bedroom into the main area of the cave you saw Dwayne and Paul sitting on the couch and David was perched up in his wheelchair.

"Morning girly, morning Daddy." Paul emphasize the last part clearly. Marko watched you turn beet red in the face. Not from embarrassment but from anger.

Lately your hormones have been so out of wack you were ready to snap at any moment. You speed over to Paul and wrapped your hand around his throat well your knee pressed up against his groin. "Dont use that word again." You growled.

You saw Paul visibly gulp well the rest of the boys laughed. Especially Dwayne. Dwayne gently closed the book he was reading before smacking Paul upside the head with it. "I told you not to say it and you didn't listen to me. Now apologize." Said Dwayne. "Sorry girly." Said Paul. "It's okay Pauly." You said giving him a half smile.

Marko walked up behind you and sat in the empty seat on the couch dragging you with him to sit on his lap. He held you in place by wrapping his arms around your stomach. You couldn't help but smile at this.

Soon, Raven and Billy showed up to bring your bike back and drop off your clothes you left with Raven last night.

As soon as Billy walked into the cave and saw you, you could tell he was fuming. "Are you crazy?" Asked Billy as he marched toward you. "Billy It's okay." Said Raven trying to calm him down. "The rest of them could have spotted you." Said Billy. "Billy I was careful." You said defensively. "You could have gotten hurt killer." Said Billy slowly calming down. "I can handle myself just fine." You growled. Billy was now face to face with you. "We just want to keep you and the little ones safe." Said Billy as his face softened. "I know, thank you." You said as you slowly stood up and wrapped your arms around Billy's neck and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around you carefully not to hurt the babies. "Promise me something, don't do any other stupid ideas without letting me in on them." Billy whispered in your ear. "I make no promises." You smirked as he pulled away to look at your face. "You're never going to change, are you?" Asked Billy. "Nope." You said smirking.

Billy and you pulled away from the hug. You sat back down on Marko's lap well Billy and Raven took a seat on the ledge of the fountain. "Steve and I talked after you left." Said Raven. "What all did he say?" You asked. "He said he was sorry for everything and he was going to make it up to you one way or another." Said Raven. You tried to process what he could mean by that, but you weren't sure.


After you left last night, Steve and Raven talked as Raven was walking back to your bike. "Is she still mad at me?" Asked Steve. "What do you think?" Raven scoffed. "I know I messed up. I'm going to fix this. Someway I'm going to fix this." Said Steve. "Then do something quick." Raven emphasize the last part. "I will. But I dont know what I should do. Is El still in town?" Asked Steve. "You are not putting a little girl in arms way. Are you out of your fucking mind? Raven growled. "Alright, ill figure something else out. Fuck. I wish this never happened." Said Steve. "You can't change the past. But you can change the future if you take care of things now." Said Raven as she approached your bike. "Ill take care of it. I promise ill fix this." Said Steve. Raven could see the determination in his eyes. "You better, or you'll loose your sister forever." Said Raven before she took off.

After Raven left, Steve walked around the boardwalk a little longer before heading back towards the abandoned wearhouse. He knew he had to come up with a plan to end Cole and the rest of the guys. He had to keep you and Sapphire safe.

Once he returned to the wearhouse, Cole sat up from the chair he was sitting on and walked over to Steve. "Where the hell have you been?" Cole demanded. "Out at the boardwalk." Said Steve. "You smell of vampires. So ill ask you again. Where were you?" Cole growled.

Steve noticed out of the corner of his eye, Dylan, Joseph, and Phillip walking over to box Steve in. Steve saw over Cole's shoulder Sapphire growling. Sapphire tried to silently signalingSteve to fight and thats what Steve did. "Fuck you." Said Steve as he shoved Cole away from him.

Steve signaled Sapphire to run. Sapphire took off out of the wearhouse and grabbed a jug of kerosene Steve had stashed in a nearby bush before beginning to drench the doorway to the wearhouse. She howled out to notify Steve to hurry. Steve changed into his wolf form before running out the building. Once Sapphire saw Steve she took her zippo lighter out of her pocket and caught the building on fire.

"Lets go!" Yelled Sapphire. The sun was starting to come up so she changed into her wolf form and they both began running away.

Steve could only think of one place to go. The cave. He just hoped Marko wouldn't kill him or Sapphire.

As they made it to the beach, they heard howling coming from a distance.  Cole and the rest of the guys were on their trail. Steve knew he had to hurry before they caught up to them.

Steve's legs started to burn. He didn't let his wolf side out much so he was out of practice from running such a long distance but he pushed through the pain and continued to run.

Once he made it to Hudsons bluff he ran down the steps, closely followed by Sapphire. He tried to run into the cave but he couldn't. Every time he tried to enter, he would get zapped.

Steve and Sapphire changed back into human form and began to yell for you.

You heard yelling coming from outside the cave. You climbed off of Marko's lap and began heading for the cave enterance. "(Y/N) I can't get inside. What the hell is going on?" Asked Steve. "First, what are you doing here, second its a protection spell since the last time you were here you almost killed Marko." You growled.

"Take the spell down." Steve pleaded. "I cant, only El can." You said sincerely. "Get her over here to take this down. Cole and the rest of his guys are after us." Steve begged. "I dont think I will because dear brother I have a better idea." You smirked.

A/N: I wanted to thank everyone for the 4k+ reads on this story and for being so patient with the slow updates. Love you all.

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