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Chapter Three

By the time I made it home from Gerard's Vic had already left Kellin's, so it was just the two of us eating stir fried noodles and watching crappy TV that night. Luckily as it was late July, we didn't have college in the morning. This meant we could binge on netflix all we liked without the guilt setting in, meaning it was gone 1am when we turned off the screen and headed to bed.

It was comforting to feel so welcomed there though, like I was some sort of brother to Kellin who had every right to live there. He certainly made me feel that way anyway, or perhaps that was just his naturally good hosting skills. After all, i'd never met someone so willing to host so many parties round his house with so few invites in return (these days parents weren't exactly lenient on the whole house party scene.)

Nonetheless I was grateful, and made sure he knew it by thanking him probably a little too much.

"Shut up Frank" he'd rolled his eyes at one point, as the two of us stood at the top of the stairs "I like having you around, ok? Just quit with the constant thank you's though, I get it."

"Sorry" I couldn't help but laugh a little at myself and the way that I was probably just going to piss him off at the rate I was going.

"Just get some sleep and stop acting like I saved your life or something" He turned and headed in the direction of his own bedroom, and already I could feel a routine or sorts slipping into place. A domestic one, where we were both already getting accustomed and comfortable with living with each other. It was starting to seem more natural to be heading into that spare bedroom, like it could be my own in time.


I slept perfectly that night, and by the time I woke up the next day, I even felt more rested than normal. Perhaps it was just the shock of the change setting though. Although the familiarity of my phone ringing piercing my ears certainly brought me back to reality.

With a groan I rolled over and looked down at the screen through glazed eyes, which foucsed immediatley when they saw Ian's caller ID on the screen, glaring up at me like the foreboding sign it had come to be.

I quickly answered, not wanting to anger him, and leaning back against the bed with the phone pressed tightly to my ear, volume turned down low so that Kellin wouldn't overhear too much. As much as he already knew about the drug drops, i'd still rather keep him in the dark when it came to exactly what my plans were.

"What?" I groaned, my tone of voice similar to a small child being summoned to do it's chores as opposed to the drug dealing that I was actually being faced with. Maybe if i had been more awake I would've started with a 'hello', but at that point I really couldn't be asked with the formalities.

"Quit moaning Iero" came his sharp reply, making me open my eyes properly and prop myself up on one elbow.

"Sorry, what is it?"

"A... Delivery... Has been made at Dewees house and I need you to go pick it up. I've got a client on the other side of town that wants it brought to his house this time."

"I thought I was just doing drops, not actually delivering the stuff door to door" I tried to keep the groan of protest out of my voice, but a bit slipped through.

"You'll do whatever I damn well tell you to" he immediately snapped back "and you'll do it as soon as I say. Unless you fancy the alternative?"

"Fine" I didn't even want to hear what he'd do if I didn't comply. I'd seen enough of his violent side to last me a lifetime. "Where does this guy live?"

"I left the address with Dewees, he'll give it to you when you get round there. And I expect you to be round there within the hour. This client doesn't like to wait, nor do I like to chase after you with orders. So make it fast." Each word was more threatening than the last, and all I could do was listen and try to think of the quickest way to Dewees house.

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now