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Chapter Two 

I heard Kellin come back from his date later on that night, but by that point i was already in bed, numbly scrolling through my phone with my eyes glazed over and a mind lulling me to sleep with each boring status update I saw.  

I was going to drag myself from my comfortable cuccoon to see if he had a nice time, when I heard a second voice, which was the unmistakable tone of Vic Fuentes. And if the giggling and murmuring i could hear where anything to go by, I didn't think they'd appreciate being disturbed at that point. So I turned off my phone and rolled over, ignoring the noises of the two of them clattering up the stairs in a tipsy state. 

All I have to say is thank god the house was big enough for me to be able to hear them from Kellin's room, because when I came down to grab some breakfast the next morning Vic was still there. He was sat on a barstool eating a bowl of cereal with messy hair and yesterdays jeans on, along with what was unmistakable Kellin's The Walking Dead t-shirt on. 

"Hey" I spoke from behind him, making him jump ever so slightly and spin around on the barstool, propelling himself with his foot.

"Frank! Hey!" he spoke through a mouthful "Sorry, I totally forgot for a moment that you were crashing here."

"No problem" I chuckled, heading straight for cupboard in search of a mug, still talking to him over my shoulder as I did so "Did you guys have a good date last night?" I didn't even have to look around to know he was blushing, it was apparent in his tone of voice when he next spoke.

"Oh, yeah. Great thanks. You er..." i turned around to see him biting his lip awkwardly "you didn't... hear anything, did you?"

"Vic, don't look so worried" I chuckled "I didn't hear you guys doing the dirty, if that's what you mean. Your bedroom activities are not something i'd ever want to have to listen to, as much as i'm sure it's great for you."

He exhaled slightly after that "Okay, phew."

"Seriously, even if I did hear anything I would've just moved to the other spare room or something" As I stirred away at my coffee i decided it was probably time I changed the conversation, before it got any more detailed than necessary.  "Anyway, did you want a coffee?" 

"Oh i'm fine, I already had one" He too seemed grateful for the subject change, eagerly going along with it "Kellin mentioned you'd be staying here for the foreseeable future, so I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other around." 

"Yeah i guess" I gave a small nod "you don't mind, do you? Because you know, i'd understand if you felt I was intruding on you guys..." 

"Not at all" he gave a wave of his hand "You're a great guy Frank, and i'm sorry things got rough enough that you had to resort to living with Kellin" he threw in a joke on the end, making me smile and try not to show the stab of guilt I felt when he complimented me like that. 

"I heard that!" Came a yell from the living room, causing us both to laugh aloud "And Frank, don't start ganging up on me with him!" Kellin continued to yell instead of actually getting up off the sofa to talk to us "you're suppose to be on my side!" 

"Aw come on Kellin, like that ever happens" Vic yelled back "besides, stop eavesdropping on us, it's rude." 

"It's my fucking house!" He retorted back, and I shrugged in response as he had a point. "Besides, I can hear you getting embarrassed over our sex life just as well from here anyway." That sure seemed to shut Vic up, who turned back to me with what was definitely the start of a blush beginning to form. 

"Anyway, as I was saying" he rushed on "I think it's great you're staying here. We've only talked now and again and it would be great to get to know you better." 

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now