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The car journey was a lot less awkward than I'd imagined it might be. For starters, Lynz rode in the back and mainly just talked to Gerard about music, whilst I realised how nice it was to be so open in front of her. 

"Hey, is it okay if you guys drop me at Bert's?" she asked tentatively "it's not that far from here and I haven't seen him in a few days. He gets pretty lonely, you know?"

"Of course" Gerard nodded "just gimme directions when we're nearby." I gave an eye roll, which she caught in the wing mirror. 

"Oh come on Frank, he's lonely" she sighed. 

"Just be careful" I sighed, not wanting to get into it all over again. Lynz could be even more stubborn than me sometimes. Luckily, Gerard was quick to change the subject, noticing the shift in mood. 

"So how long have you been tagging Lynz?" he smartly puled the conversation back to graffiti, and immediately Lynz seemed to forget about my remark. 

"Oh well, not long really. Only since I met Frank, but i've always liked art and thought graffiti was cool, but Frank showed me the ropes." 

"You're a natural at it" I nodded, and Gerard smiled over at me. 

"Thanks Frank" She grinned, leaning forward "it's just a left turn up here" she pointed out, and Gerard turned onto the estate, giving me immediate flashbacks of when i'd wandered up the same road when I first met Bert. 

"Which one?" 

"Just another left here" he turned the corner "anywhere along here is great." 

He pulled up on the side of the road, and she grabbed her bag and fixed her hair for a second before smiling somewhat-awkwardly at us both. 

"Um, thanks for the lift, er, father?" she hesitated on the name, clearly unsure. 

"Call me Gerard" he grinned "it was nice to meet you Lynz. I've heard a lot about you." 

"Good" she turned to me "and er, i'm happy you're happy Frank. Just tell me sooner next time yeah?" 

"There won't be a next time, but thank you" I chuckled. 

"I certainly hope not" Gerard winked at me. 

"Well, I'll see you lovebirds later." 

Gerard's car didn't have doors in the back, so I jumped out and pulled the seat back to let her out. As she clambered out, I leaned against the frame and debated having a cigarette. Well, until I heard the familiar voice behind me. 

"Frankie" He all but cooed, sauntering over to us "and Lynz too, man this is my lucky day" Bert seemed almost cat-like in the way he walked, cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. I was pretty sure he was in the same clothes as when I saw him last, although perhaps his hair was a little less greasy. Only a little though. 

"Hi Bert" I said stiffy, whilst Lynz just grinned over at him. 

"Aww Frankie, don't be such a bore" he winked "What are you doing here anyway? More deliveries?" 

"No, just dropping Linds off." 

"Y'know, I heard Ian's run out of stuff for you to deliver anyway" he spoke in a hushed tone "is it true? Did someone make off with a load of his stuff? I heard he's on the warpath you know." 

"Something like that" I shrugged, not really wanting to go into it and especially not when Lynz was stood right there and would know I was talking about Dewees if I let any more slip. 

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now