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It took me about an hour or so to find Ray. I went as close to their house as I dared to go without being spotted, but soon saw his car wasn't there. That was certainly a relief, as I was dreading having to wait around for him to leave, or worse, see James. it was weird to see the house again actually, a place I had so openly despised for so long. Yet now it was forbidden it just seemed strange to be there. I guess it hadn't all been bad - practicing guitar in Ray's room had always been good, and Isabel's cooking was actually pretty good once she got onboard with the vegetarian dishes. I couldn't think of a single thing I liked about living with James though, so once I realised Ray wasn't there I happily left very quickly. 

I then headed into town looking for him - the park first, and then when that didn't work, the music store. Of course my judgement proved right, and as i walked into the shop I quickly caught sight of my cousin sitting behind the till with his friend that worked there. The hair was distinct enough to spot him across the room. 

He hadn't seen me, so I took my time making my way into the store as he and his friend chatted and laughed from behind the till, still oblivious to me. I hung back and waited for the customer they were serving to leave before I made my move, feeling a little more nervous that expected. Normally, I had no problem feeling like the outsider in situations, but right then my stomach was in knots wondering how he would react to me appearing at his work. 

It was strange to think that when I first arrived in England I hadn't given a shit about what my cousin thought of me. I'd just presumed he was like his parents; boring and rude and patronising. But here I was, ready to do anything to win back my friendship with him. I realised that I really did care about his opinion, just as I hoped he cared about me. After all, he was the only member of my family that I actually liked. 

"Ray?" I stepped forward, and immediately his head shot up in shock at seeing me. I don't think he really knew what to say or even do, as he sat there for a moment and just stared at me. His friend seemed pretty confused by the whole ordeal, not that I could really blame him. I wondered if Ray had mentioned me at all, I hoped he had. 

"Frank" he finally managed "what er, what do you want?" 

"To speak to you" I stated the obvious before turning to his friend. If he wasn't going to introduce me, I guessed i'd have to myself "hey, I'm Frank." 

"Ryan Ross" he smiled in a reserved manner that told me he was a polite guy, but pretty weary of me at the same time "I er, I know who you are." Okay, well at least Ray cared enough to talk about me I guessed. Although Ryan didn't really seem to be giving away any indication as to wether this was a good thing or not. Probably a mixture of the two given out turbulent relationship. 


"Yeah, I mean, you're new here" he rushed "Not just because of the graffiti or the family stuff. I mean, Ray doesn't say much about that. He, well, what I mean is-"

"It's fine" I cut in "I really don't mind how much you know" i turned back to Ray, who had been watching the two of us talk with a guarded expression "So are we going to talk? because I really need a chance to explain everything to you Ray. What you saw the other day... I can explain... I will explain." 

"Fine" he threw his hands up "Ryan, i'll be back in a minute" he stood and made his way out from behind the counter, gesturing for me to follow him. We continued through to the back of the store, into the storage room that looked like it hadn't been organised since the turn of the millenium. It seemed that Ryan and Ray definitely spent more time sat behind the counter talking than they did actually doing their job. 

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now