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Chapter Eighteen

My run of good luck when it came to Jimmy not noticing my hickeys came to a very quick end the following day. 

They'd faded pretty well, so I guess i'd be slacking on the makeup as I thought I was probably past the noticeable stage. That's why when I leaned past him to look at a video on Oli's phone, I didn't think twice about it. Until I heard the unmistakable sharp intake of breath, followed by a cackle of laughter. 

"Hold up" He pulled me back by the t-shirt and stared at my neck "are those hickeys? Have you been getting action and not informing be about it?!" 

"Er..." I blushed sheepishly. 

"he totally has" Oli grinned "and they're kind of faded. He's been hiding these for days." 

"Shut up, it's not a big deal" I swatted at Jimmy. "If you must know i'm seeing someone." 

"Who?" Both he, Oli and Kitty all chimed at once. 

"You don't know him" I shrugged and tried to avoid eye contact, instead focusing on eating my lunch. 

"Do we not at least get a name?" Kitty frowned. 

"Come on guys" Kellin rolled his eyes "I'm sure Frank will introduce him when he's ready to."

"Is he at least coming to your birthday party?"  Jimmy whined "you know I don't do well with witholding gossip." 

"Yes, he is actually" I smiled, earning very surprised looks from Kellin, Lynz and Ray. "So if you can hold off till then I promise you can meet him properly." 

"But that's weeks away" Jimmy whined. 

"I know, but I promise i'll tell you all about him really soon" I chuckled, and with that Jimmy seemed to temporarily give up, as Ray expertly changed the conversation. 

"You know" Kellin said later on when we were walking home "Jimmy is going to have an absolute field day when he finds out who you're really dating. Like, it's the biggest piece of gossip ever. I'm genuinely worried he may implode from the excitement of it all." 

"Something tells me that no matter how loyal he is, there's no way he'd be able to keep a secret that big to himself" I laughed "hence why i'm at least waiting until my birthday to tell him." 

"Is Gerard really coming to the party?" 

"Yeah" I couldn't help but smile "I wasn't sure if he would want to, but he actually really did, and as it's fancy dress we can just disguise him a little so nobody will recognise him straight away." 

"See! I told you throwing a party was a good idea!" he grinned as we walked down the driveway "this is going to be the best halloween ever." 

"Hope so" I grinned as we stepped inside, noticing the suitcases in the hallway and the sound of the kettle boilng in the kitchen. 

"Hello?" Kellin called out, just as a woman I presumed to be his mum emerged from the kitchen. 

"Hey boys" she beamed, giving Kellin a hug that was sincere but probably a bit too brief considering she'd been away for a few weeks "how was college?" 

"Fine thanks" Kellin turned to me "this is Frank, my friend that's living with us for a while." 

"Of course" she gave me a hug "lovely to have you here giving Kellin some company."

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now