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"Shit, what now?" Was Gerard's choice of words when he opened the door to me. To be fair to him, I probably did look like a nervous wreck at this point.

"Dewees - I -" I tried to force out words, tried to think of the best way to describe the shit I'd managed to get myself in.

"Shit, you're shaking" he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside, where he then directed me towards the sofa "come on, sit down."

I sank into the sofa and took a few deep breaths, collecting myself before I spoke.

"Dewees snorted practically all of Ian's cocaine, and I knew Ian would kill him when he finds out - I had to get him out of there Gerard, I couldn't let him die you know?" I met his worried glanced with one of equal panic.

"Where did you take him? Does Ian know yet?"

I quickly relayed the phone conversation I'd had with Ian, where I pretended to know nothing about the location of Dewees, nor how to find him. Then I told him how Ian had threatened me, saying that if I was lying he would find out one way or another and then he would kill me.

"Fuck" he groaned "it was never going to be simple was it? I thought if we could last till your birthday without incident..."

"I just need to get Dewees out of here, somewhere where Ian won't find him. If he's gone then there's nothing that can trace him back to me, so I'll be in the clear." It was a long shot. Hell, even if we got him out of town it would still be a long shot that i'd be able to escape too.

His head snapped up at that, and he met my gaze with a look that told me he thought I was crazy. "In the clear? Frank look around, even if you pull this off you'll still be dealing drugs and fucking a priest. I don't think that's most people's definition of in the clear."

"I'm just trying to think positively-"

"There's nothing positive about this Frank" he snapped "This Ian guy - he's going to get you one way or another - and there's nothing I can do to stop it. If we run away now I'll still be kidnapping you in the eyes of the law."

"It's less than a month until I'm eighteen-"

"You really think Ian will just patiently wait around for Dewees to show up? Frank, he's a maniac and the more time that passes the more pressure he'll put on you to find him!" He looked almost like he wanted to punch something, with one hand balled in a fist as the other ran roughly through his hair in distress.

"I know" my voice cracked as I spoke, and this seemed to break Gerard out of his angry trace "I know what the odds are of me being able to pull this off, I know that he's not going to believe me forever and I know that if we ever finds out I've helped Dewees he'll kill me" by this point I felt a tear roll down my cheek and my shoulders start to shake. I hardly ever cried, but I think i'd reached the end of any resolve and bravery I had left. I just wanted to curl up in Gerard's living room and never leave again.

Immediately I felt his hand cup my face, smearing away the tear with him thumb whilst the other arm wrapped around me and pulled me into his chest, his head resting on top of mine.

"Don't cry Frankie" he said in a softer tone "I'm sorry I snapped, I was just stressed about all of this okay? I feel so fucking helpless in all of this and all I want to do is get you away from here and take somewhere safe, but i'm stuck."

"I'm so scared Gee" I sniffed. I could hardly remember the last time I shed a tear, but I guess I also couldn't really remember anyone else i'd ever felt comfortable enough to cry around.

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now