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Chapter Fifteen 

Walking into college the next day was very weird. So much had happened and yet at the same time, nothing had really changed. I still had to listen to my English teacher droan on about preparing for exams, and I still spent most of music messing aroudn with Oli and Kellin and not really getting much actual work done. We all still sat at the same table at lunch too, although Ray had started to come sit with us too which was nice. 

"Hey" He'd smiled, catching me and Jimmy walking out of English "do you mind if I sit with you guys today?" 

"Of course" I grinned "Ray, that would be so good. I've missed you." 

"I've missed you too, believe me" he chuckled "my house is getting unbearable without you to stir things up a bit. It's so monotonous and boring." I guess that was one thing that had changed; now I walked to college with Kellin instead of getting a lift with Ray. And I was no longer obliged to walk to the church afterwards, although I kinda missed that part of last year's routine. 

"I'm gunna wait to Chantal, I'll catch up with you guys" Jimmy leaned against the door, and me and Ray started to make our way towards the canteen. 

"So" Ray said immediately once Jimmy was out of earshot "what's going on with you? I haven't heard from you in a few days and if I've learnt anything it's that you an get yourself in all sorts of trouble within a short space of time."

"Well, I'm still being blackmailed into being in a gang and screwing a priest if that's what you mean" he rolled his eyes. 

"Well that much I know, but are you okay? Have they made you deal any more?" 

"Actually not much. There's been some issues with Dewees and well, they're a bit short on drugs to deal out" I'd made a vow not to lie to Ray at all anymore, and I intended to stick to it. "So I guess I'm temporarily redundant." 

"You mean Dewees messed up their supplies? Shit Frank" his eyes widened, scanning the crowds around us "they don't sound like very forgiving people, what's he going to do?"

"He's... hiding. At the moment anyway." 

"Why do I get the feeling you know more about this than you should?" 

"Because you have good instincts" I chuckled "but er, I do seriously think the less you know about where he is the better. I don't want to put you in any trouble Ray." 

"Okay" he nodded "I get that. But you're clearly putting yourself in trouble too by helping him. He's older than you anyway, he needs to take care of himself and you certainly shouldn't be dragged into this mess." 

"I know, I know, I'm keeping my head down" I wasn't really used to this many people caring about me putting myself in trouble's way, but it was kind of nice to have people telling me to look after myself. "believe me, I've already promised Gee several times that i'll not try anything stupid." 

"Good, he's a good influence on you, you know?" He pushed open the canteen doors "but he's seemed pretty uptight and nervous in church recently so I figured he's been worrying about you." 

"He has?" 

"Well, it's probably not that noticeable to anyone else, but yes, if you could see him you'd see the difference too. He prays really intensely too. At first I thought it was because he might be having doubts about his job, and maybe it is, but I think he's mainly just praying to keep you safe." My heart melted a little at that. I hated that I worried him, but a selfish part of me also was loving the fact that he was thinking about me so much, even during the services. 

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