Twenty Five

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Twenty Five

I was discharged from hospital the next day and sent back to Kellin's on strict orders to rest up and give my body a chance to heal. My ribs were pretty painful, but I had enough painkillers to fade them out to a dull ache that was soon forgotten about amongst all the visitors I had. I may have been resting, but that didn't stop streams of people coming to the house. All our friends wanted to call round and see me, armed with chocolate and magazines and all wanting to tell me how glad they were I was okay.

"Stop making my life look boring as hell in comparison" Jimmy had teased as he took in my bruises "seriously dude, a bust up with a drug kingpin trying to kill you?"

"Technically he was more interested in killing Dewees, but yes" I chuckled.

"Still, and then being saved by Lynz's crackhead boyfriend, your cousin and your boyfriend? I can't believe I was just sat chilling at home whilst that shit was going down."

"I thought it was a priest that drove Ray to save you?" Oli frowned from behind him "that's what I heard on the news anyway." Amongst everything else going on Kellin was having to shoo reporters away from the house, all wanting a statement from the eighteen year old that was almost murdered by thugs in such a sleepy town. I was ignoring them of course, and they seemed to finally be backing off, now more concerned with some fraud scandal going on in the next town over.

"Nah, Ray said it was him and Gee that came" Jimmy turned to me, and they both look expectantly "well Frank, which was it?"

"Erm..." I glanced at Kellin, who was biting his lip in an attempt not to laugh. "It er, well it was sort of both."

Thinking I was going to die had definitely made me care even less what people would have to say about my relationship when they found out, and it seemed to have done the same to Gerard and finally given him the confidence to be ready to tell people. He hadn't yet, but we were planning on it soon.

"I don't get it" Vic looked at Kellin "why are you giggling?"

"Because we already know" Lynz interjected. Jimmy, Oli and Vic were the only ones in the room that didn't know, and I could see them all trying to process my words.

"But we've met your boyfriend-" Oli started, and then Kellin couldn't take it any longer.

"For god's sake guys, his boyfriend is the priest!" He giggled, and Jimmy's eyes went wider then I'd ever seen.

"You're shitting me, right Frank?" He gaped, and I shook my head.

"Gee is a nickname I used when I introduced him to you all, but his name is actually Gerard. Or, er, Father Way to those at church."

"You mean all this time, the hickeys, the nights staying over at your mystery mans...." Vic trailed off "all that time you were in an illegal relationship?"

"Technically, but if anyone else asks I'd really appreciate you telling them we didn't get together until after my birthday."

"Of course" Vic nodded.

"Just when we thought you'd told us your biggest secret you come out with this" Oli chuckled, whilst Jimmy still seemed in a state of shock.

"I promise this is the last big secret I ever drop on you. I've come completely clean now."

"I think you've broken Jimmy" Lynz waved a hand in front of his face "come on Urine, say something!"

"I'm trying to process the sheer amount of priest jokes I could make right now" he muttered, making us all laugh "but there's just so many options. I mean the daddy kink alone is gunna last me forever.... you are never living this down Frank. Never."

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now