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Chapter Five

 "Well?" Lynz asked me again as Bert drew closer, a grin etched onto his features. "Who is he?" 

"Does she mean to say that you haven't been talking about me Iero?" Bert faked a sad sigh "wow, and just when I thought we had something special going on, huh?" 

"Wait what?" Lynz was really confused now, glancing between bert and I with a rapid gaze and an even faster thought process "have you two got something going on? Who is this? Frank." Her voice almost became whiny near the end out of her pure desperation to be let into the silent conversation me and Bert seemed to be having, as he tried to suss out exactly how much she knew. 

"Lynz, this is Bert McCracken" I offered in a shitty way of explanation. "And no, there's nothing going on between us. I mean, Bert's gay but that doesn't mean-" 

"Bi, actually" he sent a wink at Lynz as he spoke, and if I wasn't so preoccupied with the other more pressing issues i probably would've worried about this flirty gesture more "always good, getting the best of both worlds, y'know?" 

"Erm, that's great and all, but how do you know Frank? Unless you guys have some sort of top secret all-gay club that i'm yet to find out about?" she raised an eyebrow as he barked out a laugh. 

"I guess you'll never know, huh?" He turned to me "why don't you two come for a coffee? I haven't spoken to anyone in over a day and i was suppose to be working on the whole 'social life' situation."

"And how's that going for you?" 

"You count as a friend right?" He grimaced "I mean, I know you didn't want to be here but you bummed a smoke and that to me counts. And you're about to get a free coffee off me too if you hurry up with it." 

Lynz turned to me "shall we?" She seemed curious about Bert, and I figured it would be far better to discuss this in the flat rather than the street, so I found myself nodding my head sharply and watching as Bert grinned at us both. 

"Great! Come on up!" And with that he started to lead us towards the block of flats, remaining a good few paces ahead as he did so. He was at a distance where if he really strained his ears he could probably still hear our conversation, but far enough away that it didn't really look suspicious that he was doing so. 

"You've got about two minutes so you better talk damn fast" She snapped as we headed towards the block. 

"ok fine" I gave in "you know Dewees?" 


"Well I walked in on a drug exchange between him and his dealer, and ever since i've been roped into this guy's gang of sorts." I looked over at her, and she seemed to be having a small dialemma over wether to take me seriously or not. 

"You mean you're in some sort of drug gang now?" When i looked sheepishly at my feet she gave out a groan "jesus christ Frank, you sure don't do things half heartedly do you?" 

"it's not like I had a choice!" I hissed "either i joined them or they were going to deal with me, and i think a few drugs deals here and there and worth it if it means I get to actually see my eighteenth birthday." 

"Wait so you're dealing it out? Is that what you meant about your uncle and aunt finding the weed?" i nodded once "And you're dealing it to this guy?" she jabbed a thumb in Bert's direction. 

"I only dealed to him once" I rushed "I mean, I literally met Bert the other day. He's the only decent person i've met in this business." 

"Well I hope you weren't expecting for them to all be lovely co-workers" she rolled her eyes "why the hell haven't you gone to the police about all of this?" 

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now