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As I stood in the church corridor under the glare of Brian Schetcher, I cursed my luck yet again. Technically, it wasn't as if we were breaking any rules by being there, but we did look incredibly out of place and guilty, and I knew Brian wasn't going to fool for any sort of elaborate bullshit.

"Er, hey" was all I managed, mind going completely blank as I tried to think of a reason why i'd voluntarily be in a church.

Of course, all my mind could think of was the one thing that really did make me want to be at church, and seeing as I didn't have a death wish, I couldn't exactly admit to that one.

"What are you doing-" his eyes narrowed, taking in my appearance and not even seeming to notice Lynz stood next to me for a good moment or so "oh, and who's this?" his tone was a bit more polite with her, but not as much as it probably could be.

I always use to think priests were pretty 2-dimensional characters, but here I was stood in front of one who was an utter asshole, whilst the other... well, he just had a cute one. Still, I guess Brian was much more fitting of the stereotype I used to have in mind when I thought about them, especially when he gave me the judging look that he was currently wearing.

"Just stopping by?" I tried, receiving a flat look in return.

"I don't think i've ever seen you voluntarily step foot in here before, you weren't in the service and now i've found you back here looking incredibly shifty" He almost rolled his eyes, but seemed to think better of it at the last minute. "I'd threaten to tell your uncle, but I heard you stormed out of there weeks ago-"

"I didn't storm out" I snapped, defences immediately going up "actually, your buddy James kicked me ou-"

"He's with me" Lynz blurted, clearly attempting to stop the row about to unfold "I mean, sorry, it's just, Frank came here with me, but, well, I" She was grasping for an idea at this point, and I could almost see the concentration behind her eyes as she tried to piece together a believable argument.

"You what exactly?"

"I'm just going through a really hard time and, and" she sniffed in what I knew was a totally fake manner, but I guess to someone as dumb as Schetcher might work "well, I needed some help, and Frank was going to bring me here but I got nervous and we were too late for service and-"

"So we came back here" I finished as she pretended to let out a little sob.

"And how exactly can I help?" his tone was patronising, and I knew he was still highly suspicious, but at the same time as much as he found me irritating and untrustworthy, he didn't know Lynz and she could genuinely need help, so he had no real choice but to offer it.

"Well, the thing is Father" I winced having to call him by his title like I respected him, but at this point I figured it was worth it to get on side "I think Lynz would be a bit more comfortable talking to someone a bit younger, so we weren't actually looking for you."

He looked like he was trying really hard to suppress a scowl at that, and I almost could have laughed if I wasn't so worried about the fact that i'd practically admitted we were here to see Gerard.

"Right, well, if Father Way's age is such an important factor despite his lack of experience-"

"It is" I snapped back.

"-Then I guess you better come with me" he raised an eyebrow "I mean, if that is really why you're here, because if you're not then I don't think he'll appreciate your time-wasting any more than I would."

"My problems are time-wasting?' Lynz's eyes grew wide, and I had to applaud the way she was milking this situation.

"n-no" he stuttered "I just meant-"

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now