Twenty Two

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Twenty Two 

A few days after my birthday celebrations had passed, Kellin went to visit Dewees. He went alone, of course, despite however much I wanted to accompany him. It was just too risky and we both knew it, so instead he borrowed Vic's car, turned off his mobile and drove there one Sunday afternoon for a quick visit. 

When he returned it was with a smile on his face. 

"He's doing so well Frank" he sat down and turned his phone back on "he's through the worst bit now, he's having loads of therapy, and he said to say hi to you." 

"That's great" I sighed with relief at one less thing to worry about "is he coping day to day in there? It must be lonely, not having any visitors to swing by regularly." 

"He's alright, he was a bit bummed out because one of the friends he's made in there left really abruptly in the middle of the night - checked himself out, probably gave in to the cravings y'know. It happens though, the main thing is he isn't following suit. Said that he's done fucking up like that. Hopefully he makes some more friends that are committed as him." 

"Let's hope so. I just wish I could've come with you."

"He knows that" he patted my shoulder "but he also knows why that would probably be the worst idea you've had since you got involved with Ian in the first place."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to go visit. Especially when Ian could phone at any moment and ask me to go run an errand for him, its far too risky." 

"Exactly" he was interrupted then by a knock on the door "I'll get it" he headed out, and returned a moment later with Lynz in tow. 

"Hey Linds" I stood up and gave her a hug "you okay?"

"Actually, really good" she sat down "my dad finally broke up with Angela."

"Finally" I grinned "I knew he'd come to his senses eventually."

"Do you think it's for good?" Kellin interjected. 

"Yeah I do. It was a pretty big row, I think she was fed up of him too, probably not helped by how much me and her were rowing. But now I finally feel like i've got my dad back, so I guess it was all worth it in the end." 

"I'm surprised you're not leaping for joy right now" I raised an eyebrow at how she was sat calmly on the sofa. "Not going to lie, this is all a bit anti-climatic." 

"Me too" she sighed "I guess trying to help Bert has made me realise that I'm not that different to my dad in a lot of ways. I mean, I know Bert's no good - he's not going to change anytime soon, and yet I keep giving him chances and putting my faith in him. A bit like dad did with Angela. Sometimes you just want to see the good in someone because you feel like other people aren't, and you don't want to give up and admit other people were right and you were wrong, but then it just escalates and well, you get too involved." 

"I felt like that with Dewees for a while, but he did eventually clean up with a lot of help" I mused "but er, I dunno about Bert. I'm not really sure if anyone can predict what he'll do next no matter how well you get to know him." 

"I do desperately want to help him, but I just don't know if he wants to be helped" she groaned. 

"I'll make you a coffee" Kellin grimaced and headed for the kitchen, not knowing Bert so not really being able to comment on the matter himself.

"Look Linds, I know I'm biased because he's part of a world I don't want you going anywhere near, but I know I also can't really talk when it comes to people we should and shouldn't get close to."

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