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The following week I found myself at Dewees house, and this time not because I had been ordered to go round there by Ian. No, this time I was there by choice. Mainly due to my strong need to make sure he was still holding up okay. I don't really know why I cared so much for him when he'd gotten me in so much trouble. I guess it was because I couldn't avoid seeing the similarities between us - both outcasts, both on a bit of a downward spiral and both in desperate need of saving from the mess we'd created. Maybe I subconsciously thought that if I helped him, maybe someone would help me too. Good karma, perhaps. 

This worry of mine was quickly proved to be an accurate one when he opened the door looking like complete shit. And not in a couldn't-be-bothered-to-shower way, but a it's-far-past-a-little-joint stage.

"Frank?" He blinked at the bright light that shone through his doorway, only slightly blocked by my own shadow (it wasn't exactly the tallest one, after all) "Ian hasn't dropped anything by.."

"I know" I stepped inside, to which he gratefully shut the door behind me, all the curtains still closed and only a few lights on here and there. "I didn't come to pick anything up. I came to see you."

"Oh" He smiled weakly at that, obviously not thinking I would've stuck to my word to come check on him, but happily surprised that I had "did you want a drink or something?"

"Sure" I shrugged, following him into the kitchen "water's fine." He seemed surprised at my healthy choice, but decided not to question it further. Instead he just handed me a glass as I inspected his bleak expression and the tiny shake to his grip.

"I know what you're thinking" he sighed "and honestly, i'm fine."

"No you're not" I retorted "i'm not as stupid as you may think, you know. I can see this isn't just weed you're smoking anymore Dewees. What are you on now? Meth? Cocaine? Heroin?"

"If you've just come to pester me about my bad habits-" his immediately defensive tone of voice told me all I needed to know. He desperately needed my help, wether he agreed or not. 

"I've come here because I give a damn about you and I don't want to see you destroyed by an addiction. I want to help you Dewees, in whatever way I can. Because let's face it, you don't seem like you're beating this alone do you?"

That shut him up for a moment.

When he next spoke, it was with a calmer tone of voice. "I know" was his initial sigh "Believe me I know right now more than anything how stupid it is. This comedown's one of the worst i've had."

"Is there anything you want me to get you?"

"No" He shook his head. "Could you stay a little bit though? Just watch some TV or listen to some music or something, I don't really care. I just need the company, you know?"

I smiled sadly, knowing that perhaps what he needed from me may not be much in the long run, but would mean the world to him right now.

"Of course" I leaned away from the kitchen counter "come on, let's go be boring together."

He followed me into the living room and watched as I sat down in front of the TV, rooting through his various DVDs and games. He didn't say much, something that would have been a novelty had we not been in that current situation, but instead sat down quietly on the sofa and waited.

"Here we go" he pulled out his collection of Die Hard films "got a favourite?"

"The second one" I stated automatically, and he grinned, shoving it into the player.

Ashes To Ashes (Priest!Gerard Frerard) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now