Chapter 3 - Broken Omega

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---Marcus' POV---

Snow fluttered past my face, nearly blinding me as I had the wind blowing it in my eyes but I simply narrowed my eyes in a glare. I grinned wickedly and caught Dimitri's fist in my hand before throwing him over my shoulder and sending him skidding through the small layer of snow.

"Ah! Damn you, you bloody animal!" He snarled venomously, though the smile on his lips betrayed him. I chuckled deeply and relaxed from my defensive stance and shook my head. "That was the lamest attempt to punch me, Dimitri. I expected more from you."

Dimitri's brown eyes glared from under his black hair as he stood back up, brushing the sludge off of his muscular frame. "Easy saying coming from the guy who has been Enforcer for the past twelve years. I just started training."

"So?" I asked, effortlessly dodging his kick before I stuck my foot out and tripped him up. Dimitri huffed again, glaring up at my 6' 5, maybe more. I didn't bother checking anymore after the last growth spurt. Dimitri shoved himself up again, slowly circling me to try and find a weak spot.

"So, you've had all those years to train yourself and learn everything about Pack Law. Damn, you've build one hell of a reputation for yourself and you know it." The guy praised, making me smile slightly while I caught that glint in his eyes just before he charged. With a heavy sigh, I punched him in the gut before moving my hand up in one fluid motion and slammed it against his throat.

I walked over to the huffing man as he dropped on his ass, gasped and rubbed over his throat, trying to catch his breath. "And your point is? Just because I am your superior doesn't mean that you can use these flimsy attacks Dimitri. In a real situation, you would've been dead and you know it."

He nodded, wheezing softly before I reached my hand out and pulled him back up, playfully smacking him on his back. "Use your brains during your training and you'll be fine."

As I looked down at him, I grinned before tilting my chin to his unruly mop of hair. "And for gods sake, get a hair cut. Half the time you're too distracted with your hair hanging in your eyes to watch what I'm doing."

Dimitri grinned before looking behind me. I glanced with him and nodded respectfully at the Alpha of our rather unusual pack. We were Pack Law, Enforcers that made sure that all the other packs upheld the werewolf rules. We are the first to interfere when an Alpha's power has gone to his head, rogues being a nuisance or whenever there was a breach of pack law.

My eyes instantly flashed upwards when the Alpha called out. "Marcus, I need you to take the new guy and go to the ASPCA center. Amelia called about a wolf." I nodded, knowing which center he meant and quickly nudged Dimitri to follow me.

"A wolf?" Dimitri asked in confusion, following me on his first mission outside. "Like, a real wild wolf?" I shrugged as we got to the garage, the lights flickering on at our arrival. "It's possible. If that's the case, we retrieve the animal and set it loose on pack territory."

I grabbed the keys of one of the minivans, checking to see if we had a transportation crate in it, just in case. "And it could be a rogue too, right?" A warm smile crawled over my lips, glad that the rookie was interested enough to ask questions. Sometimes there were pups that made you wonder if they were forced to come here.

"Yep." I replied, waiting for the garage doors to open as Dimitri quickly sat in the car. "We made some contacts with the ASPCA; according to them, we're the owners of a wildlife rescue center that gladly accepts any wolf they come across."

Dimitri nodded, a grin spreading over his own lips as he kicked back for the ride. "Smart thinking, they're human right? So they won't suspect if the wolf is a werewolf or a wild one. They call us, we come in to retrieve the wolf...but what happens if it's a rogue?"

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