Chapter 17 - Learning to trust

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--Zayne's POV--

I was confused as I followed the little pup and Seth to the front doors, even more so when Seth hopped on his back paws to shove the door open. My tail instantly tucked against my stomach as I hesitated at the doorway, only my nose poking outside.

Are we even allowed to go outside, alone? I flinched when I heard the clicking of nails rapidly approaching and dropped on my side, only to blink as the three approaching wolves simply jumped over me and playfully growled at each other.

Rolling on my stomach, I huffed and laid my muzzle on my paws as I watched the wolves chase each other...but the one being chased didn't seem scared at all. In fact, when he was caught by the others, he rolled over and growled playfully as they started to fight, without truly fighting.

"It's a mock fight, a way for adult wolves to play." I flinched, my ears flying to the side as I slowly looked up, shivering at the presence of the other Alpha, Callum. When he took a step closer to me, I stumbled back with a whine before bumping into warm legs.

I froze, tilting my head up to look back and slowly relaxed as Marcus squatted down to soothingly rub through my fur. "Why aren't you going outside pup?" he asked softly. My ears twitched as the wind softly blew over my face, bringing new scents.

"I didn't know if...I was allowed to go o-outside..." I stuttered as I felt Marcus' hand pause before he sighed deeply and continued petting. My inner wolf was purring in delight, urging me to press closer to the touch and urging me to trust in the larger male.

A small, confused sound left my muzzle but Marcus was quick to sooth the fear that bubbled inside. After scratching my throat for a moment, resulting in me unintentionally scratching along with him when he found that itchy spot I couldn't reach, Marcus chuckled and grabbed me when I tumbled to the side.

"Easy there Zayne." His chuckle rumbled through his chest before he lifted me up and stepped outside. I closed my eyes initially at the bright sunlight but blinked rapidly when I felt myself being settled on the grass. "You can run outside and play, just don't get too far away from the house okay?"

I looked up at Marcus, partially glad that I was allowed to much freedom but on the other hand, I had hoped that he told me no and took me back inside. My eyes took in my surroundings as I was frozen to the spot.

I've never actually been to roam... I sniffed at the grass underneath my paws, which was much different from the dirt I was used to with Mike's brother, or the metal cage I never left at my birth pack, unless it was to be pinned on the training grounds.

One of the wolves tripped and landed in a cloud of sand nearby, making me sneeze at the ticklish feeling in my nose. As soon as the dust settled, I had to stumble back and hide behind Marcus' muscular legs.

A certain little cotton-ball was attacking me again!

Marcus and Callum laughed, watching with fondness as Koda yipped and danced between their legs while I twisted this way and turned that way to make sure the pup wouldn't get a hold of me.

The white pup was determined though and I yelped when I dodged, only to bump into Seth. He gave me a wolfy smirk and bowed through his front legs...I think Marcus had called it a play arch? It was in invitation to play along and to show that though there might be some growling, all was meant well.

I looked at Marcus for confirmation and at his reassuring nod I hesitantly bowed down. Seth yipped along with Koda before they both ran away, pausing to see if I would chase them or not.

"Is this how it feels like to play?" I wondered to myself as I walked forwards, slowly pushing myself to a trot when the tiny white puppy became crazy with excitement and shot off into the shrubbery.

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