Chapter 10 - Ignorance is Bliss

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---Zayne's POV---

The shivering in my body didn't stop, though my heartbeat was starting to slow down again. The wolves hadn't attacked yet , even though they had snarled and paced the room for some unknown reason.

I squinted my eyes when a rough tongue lapped over my fur again, making me whimper at the thought of being so close to the wolves' teeth. My whole body was tensed, muscles quivering in fear for that moment where the wolf would lash out and bite, a moment that was sure to come.

When nothing happened, I risked opening my eyes. I was still wrapped up in that wolf's embrace, my head resting on his hipbone as its body circled around mine. I had to admit, it felt rather warm, soft and cozy.

It was...weird.

One of the men sat down on the bed, curly hair bouncing slightly with the motion as he sighed deeply. I could detect the confusion and pain in his eyes, my own body stilling as he slowly reached out.

He's going to hit me...

I was surprised when I felt fingers rubbing softly over my ear, halting momentarily when I let out a soft yelp when they brushed on the edge of my still healing wound.  To my surprise, he didn't reach out to pinch the wound or laughed at my show of weakness. Instead, he handled my ear with care, softly picking it up as if he was examining the wound.

"Does it still hurt you Zayne?" The male asked, making me flicker my ears slightly. Does what hurt? And why would he care? My former pack never cared if it hurt or not, on the contrary. The more it hurt for me, the better I would've learned my lesson.

When venomous snarls rang through the air, I flinched, ducking as I saw several of the men balling their fists, the look in their eyes reminded me all to well of the same look I got when the Alpha or Beta were in a foul mood.

I watched, fearfully, as the wolves growled and snarled, snapping their jaws before they seemed to calm down. At least, on the outside.  The male beside me took the moment of silence as the time to introduce everyone in the room, including the three she-wolves that just stepped in.

My stomach twisted and churned with nerves, having so many wolves around but I relaxed a tiny bit when I spotted Mike walking in along with one of those huge wolves. My head tilted to the side, slightly curious.

Why is Mike limping?

Mike flushed brightly while a few snickers and barely hidden coughs rang through the room, the man behind him hugging him closely. I think the man, Terrance, was smirking quite proudly but I shook my head after a moment.

"Uhm, let's not talk about that, shall we?" exclaimed a flustered Mike, waving his hands wildly before glaring at the amused Terrance, who gave the boy a cocky wink. Mike blushed even worse and grumbled under his breath, though he didn't try to escape Terrance's hold.

"They're mates Zayne. Do you know what mates are?" Wyatt asked as he sat down beside Greg, the wolf around me. I nodded, thinking back at what I've learned from my older pack, though I didn't like the idea of Mike being mates with Terrance. That seemed to shock the big guy, since he looked in my direction.

I could almost sense him questioning me why I didn't like their paring but it wasn't like I could change anything anyways, just like those mates in the pack. My mind drew back to the countless of boys and girls who were chosen to be another's mate and were forced into the relationship to keep the pack strong and pure.

Everyone in the room could clearly read my thought as the disgust and anger was clearly visible on their faces until Wyatt cleared his throat. "No Zayne, that's not how it works. What your pack did is cruel and despicable. A mated pair are soulmates, they're destined to be with each other. Both of them consent to the relationship, it isn't forced like with your former pack."

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