Chapter 28 - Alpha & Omega

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---Marcus' POV---

My smirk couldn't grow any wider as I kept my eyes on a confused Cain, who was following the she-wolf on her paws. Normally people were intimidated by his massive size and would submit to him instantly.

Not the she-wolf he was following though. When Cain had raised his head and walked beside her in a dominative way. His fur was still standing on end and by the way he walked closely beside her and hovered slightly over her, he was trying to put her on her spot.

But that had been a big miscalculation on his part.

She had snapped at his face, forcing him to back up and accidentally trip over some broken branches on the floor. The she-wolf had huffed and actually stepped over Cain's stunned form.

I had thought he might attack the woman for clearly disregarding his position in his pack, but I only saw confusion, shock and awe in his golden eyes as they remained transfixed on the she-wolf's behind.

Now he was groveling, trying to understand why she was ignoring him while at the same time he tried to come across as indifferent to the guys. His ears were swiveling back and forth, torn between hesitant submission and agitated dominance.

His three brothers were snickering in the back, very amused with the fact that the biggest and sibling with the worst reputation of them all was heeling a she-wolf.

A soft nudge to my side made me smile and twist my head. Zayne was still asleep, fingers clutching to my fur but twitching from time to time. My protectiveness knew no ends as I flashed my teeth slightly, hearing the sound of approaching paws.

"Its okay, they're the babysitters." The woman spoke up, shifting and huffing under her breath as Cain shifted behind her. His arms wrapped around her and covered her privates as he snarled at the approaching wolves before grunting as she drove her elbow in his gut.

"Hand's off!"

"I was just-" Cain grunted again as he earned himself another jab before staggering back. One of the unknown wolves snickered before coming forwards with a dress in its muzzle, eyes averted from the she-wolf.

At the time she was dressed and speaking to her fellow pack members, Zayne stirred on my back, yawning before slipping to the floor and shifting instantly. It was incredibly cute to see his wolf form still sleepy, swaying slightly before he yawned again.

"Are we there yet?"

I barked out a laugh as the question sounded just like a whiny pup, making Zayne tilt his head cutely in confusion. Before I could reply to his question, the others shifted and Alpha Lee snorted as both Zayne and I glanced around in confusion.

"We agreed it would be dangerous to go directly to the pups, so a small group is going to retrieve them and bring them to a save location while the rest of us are going to take down the Alpha and any wolves that support his lead."

"What about Zayne? I don't wanna leave him but..." I trailed off, letting the truth fill in the blanks. Zayne was and always would be a target of these deranged wolves. Bringing him along would be foolish but I didn't want to leave him alone either.

Lee sighed deeply, tilting his head as he thought about it. "I guess there's only one way then." He blinked before motioning me back and I understood. If I couldn't let the others guard Zayne but couldn't take him with me, I'd have to stay back and guard my mate.

I wasn't going to complain. Though, I would've liked to get my teeth on that despicable Alpha's throat and tear it out. A huff escaped me as I turned around, nudging a confused Zayne.

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