Chapter 9 - The pack link

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---Seth's POV---

We had all been lounging in the entertainment room, watching a movie and pondering of ways to make Zayne relax around us when Alpha Lee rushed inside, slamming the doors open as he looked around frantically.

"Alpha?" I asked nervously, scrambling back up from the floor after jolting down the seat from the resounding bang from his entrance. "What's wrong?"

His eyes scanned the room before he groaned and shook his head. "Julia went to wash the pup but Zayne slipped out of her hands and fled the room. He bolted and is somewhere around the house but I can't find him."

It was clearly evident how our little Omega had the whole pack feeding from his tiny paw; every single one of us had jumped up halfway through Lee's explanation before we all split up, Greg and Dimitri shifting into their wolves to track the little wolf's scent inside while Terrance and Dorian dashed outside to make sure Zayne hadn't run out.

"Everyone, split up, use your senses and make sure to close the rooms you've checked. Call out if you find anything." Marcus ordered, seeing that Lee had already darted after Terrance and Dorian.

I sighed heavily, shaking my head. Why hadn't I see this coming? I mean, of course the guy was going to be terrified the first few days and he was going to suffer from serious flashbacks...

Listing intently, I only heard the rushed clicking of wolf claws and the stomping of feet against the wooden floors before I glared and shook my head. "Guys, if Zayne is hiding, do you really think he's going to come out when you guys are stomping around like murderous giants?"

All sound stopped instantly, I even heard a few silent whines and thuds when some of the wolves skidded to a halt, colliding with the walls.

"Uh...we didn't...think about that?" Sebastian offered sheepishly as I quietly tapped through the house in my small wolf form; it was the body I was most accustomed with. Everyone continued their search, but luckily, they listened and were less maniacal and loud when they did.

If only we could connect to him through the link and ask him where he is, why he's hiding...

"SETH! You're a bloody genius!"

I yelped and stumbled over my own paws when Wyatt's voice pierced through my head before I shook it with a whine. "There's no need to screech Wyatt, we can all hear you perfectly fine." I grumbled, even earning some agreeing growls from the others.

"Oh hush you." He sassed, popping his head out of a door across the hall and winked at me. I just scowled and shook my head, though a little wolf smile slipped on my muzzle. Wyatt was a nice guy and one of the first ones to get through to me. I'm sure he'll be a great help with Zayne.

"Don't you see?" Wyatt asked through the link as he went back in his room to look for Zayne. "If we can connect Zayne to our pack link, then we'll be able to hear his thoughts, like he could hear us. It'll be much easier to get through to him."

Hmmm...true....but I paled when I realized why this would be Zayne's nightmare.

"The ritual..."

I heard a few whines through the link as Terrance cursed up a storm outside, along with Marcus and Sebastian. Normally, when a new wolf gets accepted into the pack, they submit to the Alpha in wolf form, who will answer the gesture by gently biting the wolf to permanently mark it with the pack scent.

Most of the pack scent is rubbed on though, but I fear both will be too much for Zayne to handle. I mean, the bite wouldn't even pierce the skin, its more like when a mother would carry her pup, but I fear that Zayne might panic and be caught in a nightmare.

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