Chapter 30 - Breeding rights

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---Zayne's POV---

I felt restless as Marcus walked me through the pack in wolf form., several of the wolves were giving me a stink eye. The smaller pups didn't seem to care as they rushed me, gnawing at my paws and trying to play with me.

A yip escaped me when one of the tiny ones managed to jump and catch my ear, growling as if he was tackling down the biggest prey ever. "Marcuss!" I whined as another one joined in, making the bigger wolf chuckle as he stepped over me.

"They're pups love, they wanna play." He chuckled as one of them pounced on his tail before being dragged along by Marcus. The brown fluffy thing growled and scratched at the floor but refused to let go while the rest of the tiny pups were mauling me.

"Ow! Hurts!"

Marcus glanced back before letting out a soft growl as his little drag along bit down too. I was surprised that he growled but then noticed that the pup seemed to tone it down on the biting and used less force.

So when another one of the pups bit me, I whined loudly, making it jump and release me instantly. "It's the biting inhibition. Pups learn from their nest mates or mother how hard they can bite. Squeal once and they know its too harsh. Growling works too."

I nodded and growled at the pup biting down on my ear as if it was a piece of meat, flashing my teeth hesitantly. The pup paused, wriggling on the spot as it wagged its tail before giving another hesitant tug. I didn't mind the pups playing or trying to nip, but those teeth are sharp as hell.

Luckily he got the message and backed off after a slobbery lick over my face. Huffing softly, I stood up and shook my fur out, losing several of the nippy pups in the process before I bounced over to Marcus.

The adolescent wolves seemed confused as they watched, as if they had expected Marcus to lash out or even bite at the youngsters. One of them slowly crept to the pups, carefully watched by Pack Law.

It was clear he was overwhelmed by the pups and jumped out of the way, growling warningly when they followed. They backed off, letting the teenager relax a bit before he tried again.

Things were very hesitant and I could see the wolf trying to hold back from biting a few times. It would take a long time before they would be able to act normally. Most of the teens were still very jittery, snarling and exploding in aggression out of nowhere.

I wasn't watching where I was going, so deep in thought that I bumped into another wolf. Sadly, it wasn't Marcus or any from Pack Law.

The relatively large grey wolf was eying me curiously, an angry leer in its eye as it stared down at me. My breath caught in my throat and instinctively, I made myself as small as possible, trembling violently.

Marcus was a few steps away but had no idea. I desperately wanted to call out to him, yip or even use our mental bond but I was petrified. Just as I started panting, the grey wolf stepped over and grabbed me by my scruff, making me squeak loudly.

"Marcus! No! Marcus!"

A roar filled the air and the grey wolf snarled back around the mouthful of fur as he held onto me, gentle yet possessive. Marcus snarled venomously, shifting back while his hands shook with fury.

"Release my mate, pup." He hissed, making the grey wolf snarl even louder before I was placed to the floor. I let out a relieved sigh and went to run towards my mate, only to yelp when a paw slammed down on my back before the wolf shifted as well.

"He's unclaimed."

Marcus' eyes narrowed, several wolves of pack law bounding over while the young man held me squished against the floor as he completed his shift. Seconds later, I was hauled into the air, one hand firmly on my scruff, the other holding my paws against my belly so I was forced to curl up in a submissive pose.

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