Chapter 12 - Nightmares and dreams come true

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---Seth's POV---

My eyes blinked warily as the sun was slowly making its way up in the sky, signaling that the night had passed. Growling softly, I stretched my limbs to remove all the kinks and tenseness of my muscles before yawning widely.

Smacking my lips and huffing softly, I shook my fur out and glanced around the room only to realize that I was the first to wake up. The sleepy daze in my mind instantly left at the sight of Zayne curled up between Wyatt and Sebastian. They had been the last ones to stay awake and watch Zayne's dreams.

A shiver ran over my body and I couldn't stop cringing when I remembered exactly what Zayne had dreamt. It was safe to say that nobody in this pack had a good night's rest. Marcus came up with the idea to use the packlink to get into Zayne's dreams and he had volunteered to do it first.

It had taken a while for Zayne to calm down and relax and even more to eventually fall asleep. But when he did, Marcus' mind had been bombarded with memory after memory, all of them flooding through the link and showing us what Zayne had been through.

"His life would've been so different if he was born in any other pack." I thought to myself as I hopped down and made my way to the kitchen. The image of the happy Zayne as a toddler made me grin, shifting back with ease to prepare breakfast for the pack.

He had been happy, once. The pack hadn't really treated him kindly when he was a little pup but they hadn't abused him either. That was until his Omega genes kicked in way too early, probably because of the rougher treatment of the pack. No doubt Zayne's wolf had pushed its way to the front in the hopes of changing the pack's mind.

In any regular pack, that would've worked. As soon as Zayne's wolf broke through, they would've been on their knees to cuddle and love the boy endlessly. But his former pack acted the complete opposite, saw his rare Omega status as a weakness and caged a toddler.

They fucking caged him and then the torture really began.

Shaking my head to dispel the images in my head, I focused on making breakfast while I reached out with my mind to the Alpha, pushing a silent question in his direction. I jumped when I heard someone scoff behind me.

"Alpha Lee is still asleep. He's been up all night talking to the other Alpha's and searching fruitlessly for Zayne's pack." Greg said coldly, watching my every move as I narrowed my eyes at the food.

What did I do for him to hate me?

Greg narrowed his eyes at me as if trying to read my thought. He was about to open his mouth and say something but stopped when the door creaked open and Mike shuffled into the room whilst rubbing his eyes.

He gave a squeak from surprise though when he managed to pry his eyes open and spotted us standing there. I gave him a tense but friendly smile, feeling nervous around strangers and even more so when Greg pushed himself off of the wall and walked to lean beside me, glancing over my shoulder.

"Uhm...hi?" Mike questioned, shuffling to the fridge before he peered inside. I risked taking a look at him, only to freeze and blush at the immense hickey that colored his throat to a deep purple. I doubted Mike realized it was that bad or maybe he forgot about it.

The boy filled a glass of orange juice before closing the fridge with a sigh, trying to straiten the shirt that was loosely hanging around him; probably one of Terrance's. one of his shoulders was peeking through the collar and allowing us a stunning view of Terrance's obvious claim before Mike smiled warmly.

"Do you need help with that?"

I blinked before looking down at the sizzling eggs and nodded shyly. Greg muttered something under his breath, opening cupboards and rounding up plates as Mike and I cooked breakfast to the best of our abilities. It wasn't until Greg started on the coffee that the rest of the pack slowly started to trickle into the room.

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