Chapter 34 - Father?

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---Marcus' POV---

As soon as Zayne woke up and was coherent enough to get some food in him, I smiled and eagerly fed him bite after bite. His scent was still clouded, heavy with arousal, which made me dive for the suppressants before things got out of hand.

He took them out of my hands, sticking them in his mouth before his nose curled adorably at the taste. I offered him a glass of apple juice and chuckled as he downed the contents in one big gulp.

I sniffed the air attentively, sighing in relief as Zayne's intoxicating scent slowly dwindled down to the point where it was still detectable but easily ignored. Maybe now we'd have some time to actually rest up without going at it every few hours.

We were werewolves, not werebunnies for crying out loud. Even our stamina depleted at a certain point and I was sure my cock was going to feel raw for a couple of days. Then again, if Zayne still had a fit of heat with the suppressors, I would be more than willing to help him out.

"Seth was supposed to bring us some food hours ago but I guess he was... distracted. Let's try and get some food into you, huh?" I murmured, kissing Zayne lovingly before lifting him up in my arms.

He sighed in relief, nuzzling under my throat as his arms and legs latched onto me. Even if the suppressants held back the worst of his heat, the undeniable urge to be as close as possible still remained.

Zayne would be hard pressed to release me, let alone remain in the room while I fetched him some food. It made my wolf growl in delight as I rubbed my chin over his tangled hair, smiling all the way to the living room.

"And here are the lovebirds." Wyatt chuckled from where he was seated on his mate's lap. Sebastian chuckled, nuzzling Wyatt's ear with a grin. I glanced around the room, noticing hardly anyone was around.

"Where are..."

"The others? Well, Zayne's heat is working on the other mated couples as well, their wolves trying to balance their cycles. Alice already went into heat two days ago while she should've been fine for a few more months." Sebastian explained, growling teasingly when Wyatt made to move off his lap.

I nodded while carrying Zayne further in, smiling as he whimpered when I went to put him down. Thankfully Wyatt managed to untangle from his mate's hold and stood up, reassuring he would get us some food.

"And I'm taking a shot in the dark but Seth and Greg are probably going through their own Mating Heat...and the unmated wolves are all foaming at the mouth by the scents in the air."

Sebastian threw his head back with a loud laugh, startling Zayne for a second before they both calmed down. "You got it. They were able to control themselves when you guys were behind locked doors but when you came out the first time to get some food..."

I frowned, my wolf's hackles rising even if I knew the pack's behavior was instinctual; they were no threat to my mate. But still, I let out a low growl as Sebastian sighed deeply, looking a bit tired.

"Well, we caught them before they could reach your room. Dorian and Brandon both had to fight their wolves to get back control but they're fine now, though we're not taking any chances."

Our conversation cut off by a slight snore, making us look down at Zayne. His pink lips were slightly ajar, nose pressed against my throat and his arms slack around my neck.

The poor pup fell asleep while we talked.

Sebastian smiled warmly, shaking his head as he rubbed over his chin. "Side effect from the suppressants and the matings, I'm sure." I agreed with a snort before laughing softly, taking a seat beside Sebastian when Wyatt called out.

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