Chapter 37 - The fight is won...

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---Marcus' POV---

Today was the day. Already several Alphas had gathered, growling lowly as they stayed close to the prison. Anton would be able to scent them all, would sense his impending death in the air.


Let him fear just the way he made his pack fear, make him feel the anguish and pain of all those innocent pups he killed. Even now, the consequences of his acts were still unseen as multiple pups refused to interact with any unknown wolf.

I've even heard from Dorian, who was one of the last wolves to return from Zayne's pack, that the little ones had nightmares of what happened. What was supposed to be a group of young wolves, eager to explore the world, had turned into a bunch of terrified children who didn't dare to leave their rooms.

A low snarl slipped from my lips before I felt Zayne lean against me, tilting his head curiously. I smiled down at him and hugged him closer, well aware that he was shaking in fear.

The Alphas had all been ecstatic at seeing a young Omega, but had frowned when they realized that Zayne too had been traumatized under Anton's rule. They hadn't heard of an abused Omega before, since such an occurrence was rare. But still, they all fumed and snarled, having to cool off as they scared Zayne.

My eyes flitted to the side, where Quinton and Audrey were standing quietly. So far, Audrey hadn't made an attempt to speak to Zayne directly. She knew better than anyone what Zayne would've endured and she blamed herself for not speaking up.

What happened, happened. There's nothing we can do about it except live with the consequences. And even now, she refused to speak of herself as Zayne's mother. "A mother would never leave her child behind to endure what he did." She said when I asked her about it.

She didn't see herself worthy enough to be related in any way to the omega in my arms. Speaking of which, Zayne was growing increasingly more nervous, flitting looks between the doorway, the growling Alphas and a silently fuming Quinton.

"Dad a-angry?" He looked up, eyes blinking innocently while Quinton shook his head slightly to regain control before flashing Zayne a reassuring smile. "I'm fine pup. Can't wait to see Anton and give him a nice and personal talk though." Quinton glanced at me before frowning down and silently motioned to Zayne.

I knew what he was asking and even I had my doubts. This wasn't something Zayne should see. He's had enough of violence for a lifetime and I didn't want to scar him by witnessing Anton's death.

Because I knew for certain that the Alphas weren't going to hold back on a Rogue who has managed to kill a true Alpha and managed to rule the original pack for decades. It irked them that none of the packs nearby had noticed anything or even had the wherewithal to actually go and visit the pack.

One of the nearby Alphas's scoffed and glanced through the crowd. "Guess which pack isn't here. After being informed of what happened, I guess they're too ashamed and cowering back in their homes." He growled, gaining a few nods while another Alpha rubbed over his beard in thought.

"Its odd how they didn't let in that male, nor did they listen to his requests... Quinton, was it?" His eyes flitted over to the man in Question, who nodded once, frowning slightly. "I mean, if I had a Rogue circling my border for months, begging for help, I'd grow curious and investigate."

A few hums of agreement resounded while the man continued, "At the very least, they could've sent a request for Pack Law. All of this could've been prevented. So many deaths because of a pack's neglect."

Many voiced their agreement and I silently agreed as well but still. The pack hadn't helped Quinton nor contacted Pack Law to alert them of a Rogue circling their borders. Was it neglect, a matter of saving face... or had Anton bribed the Alpha of their pack?

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