Chapter 18 - The Beta

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--Zayne's POV--

Creeping out of the bushes, my ears twitched as I followed the scent trail left behind by Koda. The little pup had scampered through the woods, no doubt getting distracted by all the new scents. Even my nose was twitching like crazy.

I huffed a relieved breath when I spotted the pup a few steps away, wagging its tail off as it stood in front of old fallen tree. Frowning, I stalked a bit closer and stopped when I spotted the two other pups Koda was happily inviting to play.

"Those...aren't pups from the pack..."

Koda huffed when they stared awkwardly at him before they whimpered as they spotted me. The two little pups were ragged, filthy and obviously tired and afraid. They kinda reminded me of myself.

I kept my body low as I hesitantly took a few steps closer, pausing to look over my shoulder in the direction of the pack. Nobody was looking for Koda or me yet but I had a feeling they were going to come after us soon.

Another soft whimper drew me back to the unknown pups as they slowly crept a bit closer, fear and curiosity warring in their eyes as they stayed huddled together. I didn't know what to do; should I contact the other wolves and tell them I found some unknown pups?

But what if they belonged to the other pack? Then I'd be bothering them for nothing. I watched for a moment as the pups seemed to talk quietly to one another while I held a paw on Koda's side when he went to tackle me.

Koda growled and yipped before gnawing at my paw while I tried to think what the best course of action was. I could try and bring them along but judging by the way the bigger pup was flopped on the floor and the other pup was panting heavily, they didn't have the energy to lift a paw.

Just when I made the decision to try and contact Marcus, I heard a barely audible rustling in the bushes. My wolf was instantly on edge at the new sound, as well as they other pups as all of our tiny heads swiveled to catch a glimpse of the source of that sound.

"And here I thought I'd had to sneak my way in their pack house to find you. Seems that even Pack Law finds you a disgrace of wolf kind, you little runt." A voice sneered behind me, a voice that sounded horribly familiar as my wolf whimpered in my head, fear flooding my senses.

I jumped and spun around, watching the Beta stalk out from the forest with a sickening smirk on his face. My whole body started to tremble and judging from the twin whimpers behind me, those pups knew the Beta as well.

They're from my old pack?

My body froze and lowered with each threatening step he made out of the shadows, circling our little group. His eyes slid behind me before he narrowed them in distaste. "Wanted to warn the pack huh? Don't worry, I'll deal with you traitors later." The Beta hissed sharply, earning himself another pair of breathless whines.

Koda didn't seem to understand why the three of us were cowering away but he knew something wasn't right and growled lowly, yipping up at the Beta. When the man lowered his eyes to the pup, I swallowed heavily as recognition flittered through his eyes.

"Seems like the bitch made it after all." He stated coolly, watching as Koda flinched and lowered his ears with a pitiful whine. I'm sure the pup's wolf knew that the Beta was his father and to be outright rejected at such a young age?

The man grinned evilly before he his eyes lazily trailed back to me. "Alpha said to come and get you, runt. You're in for some long overdue punishment." He chuckled before stalking to me.

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