Chapter 6 - You are not alone.

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---Zayne's POV---

What are they doing?

I was a bit curious as to why they hadn't attacked me yet but I would've been crazy to try and get out from under the bed. My eyes slowly glanced at the pair of bowls, drool slowly dripping down the corners of my lips as I felt my stomach gurgle in protest.

Food. They placed food within my reach...I kept swallowing; trying to stop the flood of saliva but it was useless. I couldn't stop shivering as I pitched my ears, wincing when the left one felt a little sore. I couldn't even move the tip of it completely but instead, it flopped forwards.

My nose twitched, smelling cold rice, chicken and some vegetables along with clean water. The drooling only got worse as the scent wafted towards me as I curled together, trying to ignore the growing protests of my stomach.

"Not my food."

I slowly turned around, getting a full view of the room and everyone in it. Instincts were still screaming in my head, telling me to duck and roll over in submission but I figured I was safe, for now.

My heart rate was finally calming down from its manic racing as I observed this strange pack. Nobody was trying to dominate me, trying to shove me on my back or even growl in my direction.

"What a weird pack..."

Letting my eyes wander, I glanced around the room, trying to calculate the right way to flee if they ever decide to come after me. Most of the wolves had shifted back and sat in the couches on the opposite side of the bed, where they talked softly to each other.

I could feel eyes on me and instantly lowered down as one of the wolves passed by, sniffing softly at the bedding before it walked away towards the other door. Following its movement intently, I almost missed how one of the slender, younger males had cocked its head as it watched me, curiously.

When he caught me looking, he smiled warmly, blue eyes glittering happily before his happy expression slowly drooped as I shuffled backwards, pushing further against the wall.

He kept looking, ignoring the scowls from the woman beside him or the not so subtle kicks she was aiming his way before my breath hitched in my throat when he jumped up and shifted.

My head tilted to the side as a rather unusual wolf dropped down on all fours. I mean, it didn't look like any of the other wolves I've ever seen before. It was slender with long, elegant legs covered in black fur, shifting to a warm red fur on the rest of his body.

It was significantly smaller than the other wolves but it still had a few inches on me. My eyes widened as it took a hesitant step forwards, stopping as one of the males called him back.

"Seth, don't. I know but just-" the man stopped as the wolf, Seth, twitched his ears and flicked with his tail, making the larger male narrow his eyes playfully. Before any of them could move though, I heard the distant slam of the door and instantly froze, feeling my heart rate spike again.

More? There are more of them?

By now I was pressed flat against the floor, feeling my fur soaking in drool but I couldn't stop! My shivering was starting to get worse and I winced as the door slammed open harshly, followed by the entrance of three huge, muscular and rather loud males.

They were laughing, shoving each other in the room before one of them tripped the other two up, followed by a couple of growls from the two guys as they fell down and started wrestling with each other.


I panted, keeping my eyes on the balls of snarling and snapping fur as the three wolves went at each other while the rest rolled their eyes like this was a regular occurrence. A few jumped to break the fight up.

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