Chapter 38 - but the child is lost

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---Zayne's POV---

I tilted my head, watching with confusion at father's dipped shoulders and worn expression. Marcus had said it was something about my sibling but he didn't continue his explanation when Quinton entered the room with a defeated expression.

Lee had been talking in on his brother with a soft and reassuring voice, telling him how he would use his connections as Pack Law Alpha to have the other packs keep an eye out on my lost sibling.

Shifting, my ears drooped as I watched him, eyes watery as Quinton averted his eyes and sighed heavily. Glancing back at Marcus, he smiled warmly and nodded, making me creep closer to Quinton.

My heart was hammering in my chest as I slowly leaned forwards, pressing my nose against Quinton's arm. He jolted, looking down at me before he let out a shaky breath when I crept a bit closer, wagging my tail.

Slowly Quinton reached out, fingers brushing over my stomach before I was lifted in his arms. I wasn't all that comfortable with being held by anyone besides Marcus, but I felt that father needed it.

And, to be felt nice being held by my dad. His scent and heartbeat was soothing, calming my nerves and making my wolf purr in delight. I stilled however when I felt his shoulders shake slightly while he buried his nose in my fur.

A low whine that wasn't my own rumbled through the room before I felt cool liquid drop on my fur. Turning my head slightly, I couldn't make out much of Quinton's face but I felt more drops of liquid trickle over my fur, along with a quiet sob from Quinton.

Whining softly I pressed closer to him until my head was resting on his shoulder and Quinton's face buried in my scruff. The whole room was quiet as my father sobbed and let out his grief, his wolf peaking through as a few low howls tore from his throat.

Meanwhile my wolf was also pushing through the surface, squirming in dad's arms until I was able to lap at his tears, letting out small whines of my own. I didn't know this man for that long, but I knew I didn't like seeing him this sad.

Lee walked closer and patted Quinton on the back before leaning in for a hug as well. "Everything will be fine, bro. We'll find him, you'll see." Quinton nodded, sniffing loudly before he chuckled as my wolf let out a puppy-like yip and kept licking at his cheeks.

"You're amazing pup." Quinton choked out while scratching at my throat, making me close my eyes in delight. He sighed deeply before shaking his head as I blinked lazily.

"How long is it going to take though? We don't know what kind of state he is in..." Quinton sighed, scratching through my fur until I sagged down in his lap, paws twitching as his nails gently rubbed over my ears.

"I know Quinton. I know... As soon as Dorian and Dimitri get back from the rescue center, I will send out a small team to-" Lee paused halfway through, falling quiet as his eyes grew distant.

And most of the pack did as well, surprisingly. Even my own ears twitched as I caught the faint muttering of voices through the pack link, but were unable to focus completely.

Lee sighed heavily and shook his head. "Looks like we'll see them sooner than later. Dorian just linked that they're having an issue trying to get the rogue back. It apparently escaped from the vet and is hiding under some boulders at the moment."

He rested a hand on Quinton's shoulder. "Are you good to come along?" Even I could hear the silent question beneath his words. Did dad want to stay on his own for a moment or put his thoughts aside?

He cleared his throat, nodding while rubbing a thumb under his eyes. "Yeah." He cleared his throat when his voice sounded rather scratchy before nodding more firmly. "Yeah, I'll come along."

I slipped of his lap with a slight yip, stretching with a whine. The room resounded with soft laughter when Koda dashed around the corner and instantly tackled me, making me flop over with a growl.

You cute little fuzzball...

Before he could jump again, he was plucked out of the air and tickled on his belly, making him squirm and yip as Wyatt giggled down at his pup. "You little rascal! I take my eyes off you for a second and you're gone. Its bath-time for you Koda."

The pup instantly whined and drooped in Wyatt's arms, playing dead as the adults laughed even louder. "Little Koda, forever the pack-clown it seems." Sebastian chuckled before nuzzling his pup lovingly.

The big guy threw Dad a warm smile before nodding politely as Audrey slowly reached out to hug him from behind. He leaned back against her, drew from her strength as he took a deep, shuddering breath before turning his head to kiss her scratched up cheek.

" 'M okay love."

Leaving them for a moment, we slowly trickled out and I pawed at Marcus when he went to pick me up. "I wanna go with." He blinked in confusion before glancing back at my father before nodding.

"You want to tag along to make sure Quinton is alright." He chuckled at my affirmative yip before shifting, playfully nipping at my paws when I reached up at him. 

The pack was quick to leave, paws thudding on the forest floor and picking up speed as we felt the distress coming from Dorian and Dimitri. Much to my surprise, we didn't have to run far before we heard two loud howls, causing the pack to respond.

Lee was the first to arrive, followed by Quinton and us. Dad sniffed at the air, frowning before pressing his nose to the floor, seemingly tracking a scent.

"So? Where is the wolf?" Lee questioned, which in return made Dorian sigh deeply while Dimitri drooped his head, looking behind him at the raging river.

"It jumped in the stream... he made it though but ran off again when we howled out to you guys." Lee sighed deeply and I felt rather bad. An Alpha never had a moment of peace and relaxation, always working under pressure and caring for the pack.

"No sense crying over this, at least the rogue made it across alive. Let's just-" He paused, observing my dad closely as he seemed to have found something further up stream, his wolf letting out a soft whine that turned quickly to a mournful howl.

What shocked me most though, was that Quinton's haunches flexed, preparing to jump in the river to swim across. Terrance and Bryan quickly tackled him before he got in the water though, even if Quinton was snarling at them, snapping with his teeth.

His eyes burned with anger and sorrow but the pair didn't let up while Lee shifted, shouting at his brother to stop fighting. "Are you crazy? You could die jumping into the rapids! Have you lost your mind?!"

I didn't know why he acted out like that and sniffed, frowning as my wolf seemed to yip and wag its tail. The scent it picked up was...oddly familiar.

"My pup!"

Everyone was stunned at Quinton's exclamation, especially when he howled again, ears pricking up as if to wait for a response. When nothing happened, he tossed his head back, letting out a long, mournful howl that echoed through the woods.

"You mean...the rogue?"

Dad's head drooped down before he laid on the floor, sniffing at the air and whimpering softly. Audrey slowly pad closer before leaning down to groom Quinton's fur in a soothing, reassuring way.

"We'll find him again, my dear. We don't know what has happened to him and being chased must've spooked him. Give it some time while we try and follow the trail."

My ears drooped as I realized this unknown wolf, had been my sibling. Its odd to even think of having a sibling, come to think of it. I've always thought I was on my own but now, there are three of us.

Marcus nuzzled my cheek lovingly when I whined softly, reassurance and love flowing through our bond. "We'll find him again Zayne, don't you worry."

I sure hope so... my family was finally complete again...

All we're missing, is one pup.

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