Chapter 36 - Family bonds

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---Zayne's POV---

I was confused.

All my life I had been so sure that my parents got rid of me. That Anton's words were true; they never wanted me and gave me up to live their own lives. She knew of what would happen but yet, didn't care.

That's what I was told over and over again as Anton sneered and spat at me, launching punch after punch. I even saw him fight with his sibling, saying something about the lack of use of a male pup. That he should've left the female alive.

Now I knew he had referred to my sister and had spoken out about the fact that the Beta should've killed me and not Samantha.

Sure, I didn't understand why A-Audrey never spoke up about me. Or my siblings... Siblings.... I wonder where they were.

Rolling on my stomach, I huffed slightly before scratching at my ear, my wolf whimpering softly until Marcus' hand brushed gently over my back. It arched on its own accord as his nails gently scraped over my back, a low chuckle slipping from his lips.

"Its okay Zayne... everything will turn out to be fine, you'll see." He assured while pulling me closer so I was curled up against him. My wolf quickly rolled on its back, paws slightly scratching at Marcus until he got the hint.


The scratching and loving made me calm down slowly as Marcus seemed deep in thought. After Audrey's reveal, she and Quinton had left to get some rest after the long journey here.

Still...why didn't she say anything? I mean...if she spoke up about what happened....about us...

Marcus sighed deeply beside me, making me look up at him. "Its not that simple darling and I don't know for sure. I think that Audrey was under influence of the Alpha command, much like you and the pups were. Even if she wanted to reveal what was happening at her old pack, she couldn't."

Tilting my head, I nodded before rolling on my belly and rested my head on his thigh. "What about me? About keeping me and my siblings a secret from everyone? She could've spoken up during all these years..."

"True," Marcus nodded. "She should've. Truth is, she probably had no idea you were still alive in the den. The Beta had already found out and was digging into the den. Most likely warned the rest of the pack too. Since the Alpha was gaining on her and after watching one of her pups murdered right in front of her... I guess she assumed the Alpha visited the den first."

I shivered, whining lowly in my throat as I curled up. Honestly, I couldn't remember anything from that time. All I remembered was the contempt and disgust on Anton's face every time he spotted me, how he sneered about my mother and how she should've been in my place.

She could've told dad...

Again Marcus nodded, stretching out on the couch and pulling me with him. I playfully nipped at his chin and was rewarded with a playful growl before I was squished against him.

"The bond between a mother and her pups is extreme. Especially with newborns. I don't condone what she did or understand why she waited so long Zayne. But having a bond broken so brutally with her pup, witnessing it... The maternal bond is said to be stronger than the mating bond..."

Marcus's fingers traced through my fur absentmindedly as he continued his explanation. "Personally, I think her mind fractured at the death of her child. Losing a pup so young, especially with her first litter and knowing there was no hope for you...She must've went into an extreme depression."

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