Chapter 5 - Baby steps

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---Zayne's POV---

The wolves were still growling as I shivered on the spot, feeling beyond humiliated as the wolf above me backed off, snorting to get the scent of urine out of his nose. I-I didn't mean t-to but... I flinched as the wolves snarled, the two men on the bed jumping up while the man in the entrance stalked closer.

I could almost taste their anger on my tongue, feeling dizzy from the lack of air. My eyes were flickering from one angry wolf to another, until one of the men stood up on the bed and scoffed, shaking his head at the others.

"Stop scaring the pup! For crying out loud, you guys just literally scared the piss out of the poor guy." The slender male grumbled before sliding off the bed, eying me with a soft expression. My eyes widened in shock, my fear and anxiety only growing more and more. Why was he defending me? My punishment was only going to get worse!

I felt nervous with all the wolves pacing around me, my mind filled with equal parts fear and apprehension. The only time I came into contact with the pack was during training lessons. So why weren't they attacking me?

A yelp escaped me as I was nudged over before a weight softly settled on my back. The wolf was extremely careful not to rest too much weight on my smaller, fragile form. They were all sharing looks, silently talking to each other through the link. I froze at the low rumble that vibrated through the wolf's throat.

Shivering all over my body, I kept myself as small as possible as the wolf kept rumbling, one of the other wolf's sauntering over before it curled up beside me and started licking my fur. A scolding tsk sounded through the air before a pair of slender and slightly cool hands grasped me under my chest and started lifting me up.

"Too much, no, this...I-" my chest was starting to hurt as I strained to get more air in my lungs. The voices of the people in the room became distant rumbles, I barely realised that several of the wolves started to shift back as I was lifted up in a pair of arms.

When fingers brushed over my cheek, snagging in my matted fur and creating a sharp spark of pain through my already battered face, my wolf reacted without thought. With a pained cry, my face jerked to the side as I caught the hand with my teeth, instantly letting go as the man let out a startled sound and released me.

I dropped down on the floor, eyes settling on the relative safety underneath the bed before I made a mad dash for it. The cast on my leg was weighing me down but that didn't stop me from dragging the useless limb behind me as I avoided the grabbing hands and managed to claw under the bed.

As soon as I got safely to the back corner, the cool wall managed to pierce through the fear that clouded my mind. Pressing myself flush to the corner, I curled up as tight as I could, leaving my casted leg stretched out before the repercussions of what I just did crashed into me.

"I bit him. Oh god, oh god, oh god, you stupid mongrel! What the hell is wrong with me? I bit another wolf! What have I done?"

The bed jerked as the wolves occupying it jumped off, feet walking through the room as I laid still, panting and praying that they couldn't get to me. Because I could very easily remember what happens when you bite a superior.

And the memory was vile enough to make me shiver in fear and press myself closer to the wall. "No, let him be." A voice sighed, stopping a pair of wolves from approaching. Instead, they dropped down and whimpered, sniffing desperately as they peered under the bed.

After a few more hushed whispers, most of the unknown wolves left the room, leaving only the three men in their human form before one of them slipped out after a whispered command, softly closing the door behind him.

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