Chapter 15 - Curious little beastie

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--Zayne's POV--

Laying my head on my paws, I watched all these strangers roaming around the room, sniffing at the floor before they skirted around Marcus as he growled warningly. My ears flickered at the aggressive sound, a shiver coursing over my body before I closed my eyes when his rough tongue lapped soothingly over my head.

"Xavier, stop aggravating him." Callum sighed before he sat down, keeping a respectable distance between us. He glanced down and smiled at me while I eyed him warily, ears pinned back.

"Maybe this Alpha will be the same as Him?" I questioned my wolf, hearing it grumble before it shook its head. Catching movement, I flinched and pressed myself against the couch.

Callum's hand stalled before he slowly reached out, gently rubbing over my head. " Did you find any leads on his former pack?" He questioned, voice crackling with anger and making me quiver in fear.

They were quick to sooth my anxiety, hushing and cooing at me. My attention was divided between their gentle touches and the little pup that yawned and slowly stretched. Marcus laid down, acting as a barrier between me and the curious wolves before he gently nudged me.

"Have you never seen a pup before?"

Flinching at the new sensation of their metal voices inside my head, I shivered but managed to shake my head in denial. I have seen wolves my ages but the real youngsters were kept away from me.

They didn't want me to spread the weakness.

I slightly winced at the angry grumbles but blinked when I felt something swat at my nose. When I was swatted yet again, I dropped myself with a tiny whine but was confused to find the little pup standing in front of me.

The white pup was a bit wobbly on its paws, tail wagging like crazy before it yipped and jumped me. I froze, falling in a submissive pose as it gnawed and tugged at my ears before Marcus nudged it with his muzzle.

"Calm down Zayne, he just wants to play." the bigger male chuckled before growling as the pup jumped up, swatting both paws against Marcus' teeth. It seemed fearless as I shook, horrified at the disrespect and future punishment the pup would receive.

I was stunned when Marcus shifted back, catching the little bundle of white fluff mid pounce. "We'd never punish a pup for playing. We give it limits and learn his bite limit of course but a normal wolf would rather chew its own paws off than harm a pup."

Marcus looked down at me and gave me a reassuring smile as I processed this new information. Tilting my head slightly, I watched with confusion as the little pup let out a few growls as it nibbled on Marcus' fingers...and he...allowed it?

Why didn't he retaliate? I mean, those little teeth were more like needles and equally as sharp! Soon enough the little pup lost interest in his living chew toy and turned back to me. Sticking its little bum in the air, it wagged its tail and whined, pawing at me.


The pup huffed, as if showing its annoyance at my slow reaction but I didn't understand what he wanted from me. I let out a soft huff when it reattached on my ears, growling and yipping as I allowed it to run all over me.

Marcus chuckled slightly before setting both of us down on the floor. "It's alright, you can play if you want." He assured, warm brown eyes staring at us with fondness before they turned cold when I silently replied in my mind.

"I don't know what playing is..."

Shivers wrecked my body at the deadly stares all around the room before the tension broke when the little pup got fed up and tackled me to the floor before bolting away. I still didn't know what was expected of me but that became all too clear when Seth's slender wolf stalked towards the pup.

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