Chapter 23 - Talk to me

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---Marcus' POV---

I chuckled again, trying to persuade Zayne into getting out of his hiding spot underneath the blankets. After we both had calmed down, he had shyly glanced up at me with furiously blushing cheeks and then proceeded to whine and bury his face against my chest and under the covers.

He was so goddamned innocent; all that my wolf wanted to do was to be the one ravage Zayne in unspeakable ways. Instead I chuckled and slowly sat upright, aware of the mess between us. I scooped my blushing mate up and carried us to the bathroom.

I easily peeled our soiled clothes off of our bodies, a smile on my lips as Zayne didn't protest but shyly peeked under his lashes, observing my body and blushing once again.

My wolf preened, happy that our mate was satisfied with our looks as I lead Zayne under the stream of the shower, washing the proof of our loving from our skin all the while trying to suppress the images of actually mating with Zayne.

Instead, I explained the physical attraction that mates have to each other and how our bodies reacted to that. My wolf was purring deeply at the permanent blush gracing Zayne's cheeks as he merely nodded and kept his gaze on the tiles as I washed our bodies.

When we were dressed, I noticed a small frown playing on Zayne's face, his pale pink lips moving without a sound, as he seemingly got more and more frustrated. I tilted my head and smiled encouragingly as Zayne looked up, a question in his eyes.

"Wanna learn how to speak..." He muttered cutely.

I grinned, biting the inside of my cheek to try and remain calm before I tugged him in my arms and carried him to couch, making a mental note to remove the soiled covers. "And what is it that you want to learn?"

He blushed deeper, making me extremely curious to what he had in mind. My eyes landed on his fingers wriggling and worrying at the edge of his clothes before he shyly pointed at me.

Thank the gods I managed to control my wolf, otherwise I'd be proudly howling out my joy.

Instead, I schooled my features and smiled warmly as I started our little speech lesson. It was both cute and sad to see Zayne struggling with trying to produce a sound and pronounce my name.


I shivered at the throaty sound that escaped Zayne's lips and felt my heart jump at the excited spark in his eyes before his tongue swiped over his lips.


My stomach twisted and I couldn't stop myself from launching towards my mate, feeling proud and elated that he managed to speak and say my name, although his K was barely audible.

"Marus!" He squeaked as I hugged him close, laughing happily and seeing a wolfish grin spread over his lips, his eyes sparkling with contentment. "Say it again." I purred, nuzzling his neck and grinning at the faint chortle that escaped his throat. "Say my name again, say Marcus."

Zayne grinned; his tongue moistened his lips as his eyes turned warm. "Mar-" He frowned for a second, thoughtful before ne narrowed his eyes. "M- Marcus." He squirmed in my arms as I kissed his cheek and I felt a warm sensation bloom through me as I realized his backside was swaying slightly; his wolf's instinct was making him wag even in his human form.

I had my hands full trying to reign in my squirming, happy pup as he even leaned up to lick at my lips. Not that I objected in any way, in fact I loved the attention, knowing that both Zayne and his wolf had accepted me as their mate.

A knock on the door startled Zayne, proving enough to disentangle him from my body before he made my heart thump a bit faster as he squirmed right up on my side, his face barely visible against my chest.

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