Chapter 32 - Heated scents

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---Marcus' POV---

Waking up to your little mate cuddled under your throat was awesome. I smiled at the remembrance of last night, letting my fingers drift over Zayne's smooth back and smiled as he unconsciously arched into the touch.

I couldn't stop the silly grin from spreading over my face as I buried my nose in Zayne's soft hair and inhaled deeply. His scent was heavily doused with my own, making my wolf purr deeply in satisfaction, knowing exactly why our mate reeked of us.

Reluctantly, I slowly slipped out of my mate's hold and out of the bed, smiling as he buried his nose in my pillow and inhaled deeply. Zayne was so damn adorable. I quickly stepped in some shorts and made sure Zayne was fully covered before leaving the room to get him something to drink and eat.

Cause I had a feeling after last night, he wasn't really going to walk around that much. Not to brag like Terrance did, but considering Zayne was a virgin prior to tonight, I had a feeling he was going to be rather sore. And bashful to walk around a house of werewolves, who would know exactly what was up.

Sadly, I didn't have that option and when I walked into the kitchen and saw Terrance's wide smirk, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"So, you finally got some huh? No more blue balls from hell." Terrance grinned devilishly before grunting as Mike elbowed him in the gut. I chose not to respond and took out some pans to start Zayne's breakfast.

"Where is Seth?" I asked, wondering why he wasn't in the kitchen like usual. He preferred to do the cooking, especially in the mornings. Mike glared warningly at Terrance, who just smirked.

"Well, if you weren't so busy making your pup scream, you would've noticed that Seth and Greg are now a mated couple- Urgh. Damn love, keep it in the bedroom." Terrance grunted after another jab from Mike, who was flushing brightly.

I couldn't help a small chuckle as Mike hid his face in his hands while Terrance laughed and coed at his mate. The scent of food was soon drifting through the kitchen as I plated up Zayne's breakfast.

Already my wolf was growling, slightly on edge from leaving Zayne in our bedroom but that was to be expected. I also expected the fact that Zayne's heat would break out within a few days after mating, but I didn't know how strong it would be.

Frowning slightly, I made a mental note to ask Alice about this before venturing back to our room, smiling as Zayne was still heavily asleep, burrowed deeply in the covers. For a moment I just stood there and watched how his lashes casted slight shadows on his cheeks, how he scrunched his nose slightly before rubbing against the covers.

I quickly put the plate to the side and sat beside him, running a hand through his unruly mop of hair. "Love... wake up sweety." I whispered while gently coaxing him to wake up. His eyes blinked sleepily, the hazel depths fluttering over my body without recognition before slipping shut again.

"Zayne." I sang, watching with a wide grin as my mate huffed and buried his face deeper in the covers before whining slightly. He blinked a few times, lifting his head before smiling in his own cute way.

"Morning love, how do you feel?" At my question, Zayne blinked in confusion and moved to sit up before groaning and blushing brightly. I chuckled as he hid his face against the pillow for a moment, whining in embarrassment.


I sighed, rubbing his lower back soothingly as I helped him sit up, propping some pillows behind him. " I know dear, I'll get you something if it hurts too much." Zayne shook his head slightly, "Hurts just a little."

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