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Life had almost always been easy for Y/N. She had a decent sized home on the edge of town and the outlying forest. This was the only home she knew and never felt uneasy within the confines of Wall Rose. She always had food in the pantry and her home was full of love from her father and her dogs.

Her father had taught her to hunt at a young aged and trained most of her dogs to do the same. They accompanied her on most of her travels into the dense forest. He did not care a bit about what she did or when because she was always careful and smart, even for a twelve year old.

She learned how to use her dad's bow from when he was a child. After she master that, she learned how to use a throwing spear and axe. All of which she used plenty while out on her daily expeditions.

She would go out early mornings to try and get their next meal, or sometimes even bring extras in to the town to sell. Her dogs were always vigilant and guarded her with her life, especially as a younger girl. Y/N had lost a few of them to wild boars, which in turn caused her to become more aware of her surroundings while in the thick woods.

While she was out there doing what she loved, her father was at home, because he was more of a builder type. He'd grown up hunting himself, but it never really stuck like it did with Y/N. He felt confident in her abilities to forage and so he could spend more time doing what he loved.

He'd split his time between building more furniture to sell and working on his late wife's garden. The garden was always her safe place and he had made sure to learn what he could from her before her passing. She had gotten ill and the local doctor didn't know what to make of it.

Despite watching her mother slowly fade away from her, Y/N also made sure to learn things from her. She was taught how to cook and dry the herbs in her garden properly, and how to keep the house pretty tidy. When her mother felt that she was close to her end, she gave her daughter the necklace that had been passed down from her great grandmother, and that was the last gift Y/N received from her.

She didn't wear it all the time because it was too precious to her, but she kept it in a nice little box on her dresser for her to always see.

This life that her parents had built was easy going and mostly care free. But the hunting was y/n's favorite thing to do. She'd go deep in the forest with a dog and climb some of the large hills sometimes. She felt free in those wooded areas, but she still felt something was missing in her life.

She'd look over the horizon once she reached the hills peak. Sometimes she swears she could see the wall. Though she had never been near it, she would think about touching it. She imagined how gigantic it must be, but also, what lies beyond it.

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