Chapter Six

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The four of them gathered what few belongings they were allowed to bring with them  and threw them into their knapsacks. They were told a specific time to come back into town to depart with Pyxis. They were all eating a sizeable meal that they had prepared for themselves because they didn't know when or if they would have food provided on their way to the training grounds.

The dogs were surrounding the table and getting all of the love from the foursome. All though Eren had never had a dog before, he had grown very fond of them all and loved taking them out on all the hunting expeditions he had done with y/n. Mikasa had one of the smaller dogs on her lap even though they weren't allowed at the table. She had one had petting the sleeping ball the whole time.

Y/n's father stood in the edge of the room against a wall leading down the hall. He didn't know what to say to his daughter after last night's conversation. "May I talk to y/n, you guys?" Was all he said and the group knew to leave. They gathered all the dogs and their bags and waited outside for her.

He stared at the beautiful girl he had raised. She was so strong willed and turned into a beautiful woman in front of his eyes. When he felt a tear fall from his eyes he finally worked up the courage to speak. "I will always be here for you, y/n. I'm not going anywhere. If something happens, or if you ever have any free time in your future, please don't forget about your old ma-"

He was cut off by a huge embrace from his short daughter. She bore her face into the burly man's chest and that just released the flood of tears form both of them. They remained in their embrace for a minute or two just crying.

"I need to do this. I need to figure out my own path. Even if I end up back here, just trust that this is something I need to experience for myself. I'll come back whenever they give me the time, don't worry." And with that she turned and walked out the door. Her father followed and waved them off. He saw Armin hand off her bag to her and in that moment he hoped that the bond she had with him and that boy's level head kept her sane.


Eren looked excited, while the others just stared ahead. This was just another step towards a future unknown to any of them. They looked like a group of misfits as they walked into town. The locals looked solemnly at them as if it were the last time they'd ever be seen. Y/n waved to all the women she had gotten to know and smiled at all of her classmates that had decided against going.

The group of young adults standing near Pyxis appeared dismal. All this town could give him was two handfuls of kids that looked to be between twelve and seventeen. Despite the number, the commander seemed proud of the group.

"Please split yourselves up amongst the two carts and we will leave in ten." The group divided itself and the friends made their way to the first cart in the line up. Eren hopped on and Mikasa followed behind him. Y/n looked at the crowd gathering to see off the brave souls and then back at Armin who held out a hand to hoist her up. She took it and was pleasantly surprised at how warm it was.

After a few minutes sitting there they were off. The spring air was brisk and they grabbed some spare blankets form the storage compartment towards the front. Armin lifted the lid of the box and threw a blanket at Mikasa while reaching for another. When he turned back Mikasa had already yanked Eren under with her. Armin knew there were more blankets up front, but felt that they'd all be more comfortable sharing.

When he sat back down and lifted up the corner for his friend sitting to his right he saw the surprise in her eyes. He blushed for some reason, but that didn't stop y/n from getting closer to him and sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with him. Why had he gotten nervous? They'd slept in the same room multiple nights since they'd known each other and NOW he felt anxious?

Y/n was more than willing to cuddle up to her blonde friend. She needed something comforting on this journey. She hadn't slept very well the night before so she asked him, "Do you care if I fall asleep for a bit?" He didn't mind one bit. So, y/n rested her head on the boys lap and he made sure she was covered with the blanket. They stayed like that for hours.

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