Chapter Four

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The two of them eventually headed back inside after the spring night's chill started to hit them. Everyone else had been sat at the table talking.

Her father told them that there were only two bedrooms, but there were three beds total. As they took inventory of the rooms, Mikasa pulled the mattress off of the bed in the single room and brought it into the room with the other two. Understandably, they all wanted to stay close by. Nobody commented on her decision.


The following days were filled with trying to get back to some normalcy. Y/n took them hunting, into town, and had them help cook meals.

The four became quick friends. Spending all their time together and even laughing. Even though y/n was three years older than the trio, she was happy to have people to talk to.

The regular flow they had created continued for a month. Y/n's father let the kids be kids and let the newcomers get back to their lives after the tragedy.

Eren seemed to be getting antsy. He was always wanting to go onto the next thing and learn something new. Always bringing up the Titans.

"I'll kill them all." He'd say at least once a day.

His friends seemed concerned, as was y/n. He seemed like he could snap at any time.

"Armin, was he like this before the attack?"

The blonde nodded slightly. "He always wanted to fight in a way. This just seems to have ignited a new flame in him."


While they were running around with the dogs outside they heard the bells ring in town. Something was going on and they all wanted to know. Y/n hollered at her dad to let him know they were going and sent all the dogs back to him.

They started jogging towards town. Eren Running at the head of the pack, eager as always. There hadn't been any new developments that they had heard of yet so she's sure the group wanted to find out anything.

As they got closer to the square they heard yelling, but the voice was unfamiliar. Not the mayor, nor any of the merchants. They got closer to the steps of the local place of worship and saw who was speaking.

A tall man stood firmly at the top of the stairs. He seemed pretty old, but his authority was obvious. He was a soldier, no, he was definitely in charge of the soldiers.

"-attack on Shiganshina has left a hole in our defenses when it comes to our soldiers. We are seeking recruits. Anyone that wants to serve and help us maintain order come speak to me. Any questions?"

"Who is that?" Mikasa asked us.

"That's commander Pyxis. He's in charge of the garrison. They must be desperate if he's out here recruiting." One of the women that works a food stall in the market told us. She walked over to chat with another lady about something and the kids looked at each other.

Eren had an indistinguishable look on his face. He just turned away from his friends and walked right up to the commander without a second thought or even saying anything to them.

"Commander, my name is Eren Jaeger, and I want to join! I plan on killing every titan I see!" He yelled at the older gentleman. His friend followed behind him and were shocked at the abruptness of it all.

Pyxis barely flinched, "Well aren't you an eager one?"

"Sir!" Eren responded as he threw is left fist over his chest in an attempt to repeat the salute of the armed forces.

Pyxis let out a hardy chuckle at the sight. He reached into his jacket and piqued the kids' interest. He pulled out a round flask and took a swig and offered it up to Eren. He took a sip and gagged at what he tasted. "Kid, don't you know your heart is on the other side of your chest? The effort was admirable, I'll give ya that. Welcome to the cadets, Eren."

It all had happened so fast! The others were awe struck at the swiftness of it all. Armin's mouth was wide open as he was trying to figure out to react.

Mikasa looked up at the commander and then back at Eren, "Wherever you go, I follow, so I'd like to serve too, sir." She said firmly while producing the same salute, but correctly.

Armin's face became even mortified as he watching his long time friends commit to such a horrible thing. "You guys do realize that this is a life time commitment? Don't be rash about your decision! Maybe you should think about it. I'm sure it isn't an immediate thing."

"Oh I'm not staying around overnight, so it most definitely is a now or never situation. At least when it comes to this time around for recruits." Pyxis said in a matter of fact statement.

That petrified look on Armin's face would not leave. He could only think about the peril and strenuous training they'd have to endure. This is not something he wanted in life, but he also didn't think he would've ended up in a smaller town in Wall Rose. The turmoil of the situation was killing him.
All the while y/n just stared at them. This was a common occurrence for them. Eren demanding something, Mikasa following along, and Armin trying to get them to see why this wasn't a good idea.

They were bickering about the circumstances Eren was putting them in but y/n couldn't help but think that this is something she could do with her life. She didn't know what was next for her. School was boring, hunting was easy and consistent, but she needed something new and challenging.

"Commander Pyxis, sir." Y/n started, looking up at the old man standing atop the stairs. "I would like to enlist."

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