Chapter Fifteen

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Jean has stayed with us a couple of days for some reason. I really don't know what's gotten into him. I have been getting back into the rhythm of home life while he hangs out with my dad and talks.

I thought the scouts would've wanted him back by now, but I guess not, and i don't blame them one bit. As long as he isn't annoying me I guess it's ok.

He's actually taken a liking to my father. They talk about everything together when we eat our meals together in his room, and Jean has actually started helping me with house stuff. I hate to admit that my dad has asked me why I don't have any interests in him and I just scowl. How do I tell my father he's a perverted and hormone-driven teenage boy and I'm not into that?

It's been three days, and I'm ready to ask him when he's leaving. "Hey, Jean. Are you ever going back to the scouts?" His eye roll was just rude.

"Oh don't worry about that. I am here to help until Captain Levi says otherwise." He yelled over the dishes he was doing. I made the food and he did the dishes had become the normal trend the last couple of days, to his dismay.

I walked out of the kitchen to let my dogs out and thought about his words. I don't know what he meant by that or why he's being so cryptic. Maybe he has no clue either?

I ran over to the garden to check on all of our plants and water them. The bucket was next to the pump and I filled it with the cool liquid from the well under our property. After the garden had been tended to, I went back inside to let the dogs in and to check on my dad.

He was sleeping. The pain was pretty excruciating so I don't blame him. I had given him some medication to help him sleep away some of the pain. He looks so peaceful right now, unlike his face this morning when I woke him up from a cold sweat. I filled his glass up with water in a pitcher and closed the door fully behind me.

After Jean had finished cleaning the dishes, we both had settled down. I sat in the cozy chair near the fireplace and pulled out one of my favorite books and Jean sat in the chair on the other side of the fire and quickly fell dead asleep. The man was great at snoring. And he sat there with two of the small dogs snuggled on him.

This is not what I expected to be doing in my first summer after graduating my training, but such is life. I was content for the time being knowing that my dad was healing at a good rate and that the house was taken care of.


After about a half hour of reading there was a knock at the door the dogs all started barking in response and shook Jean out of his slumber. I laughed out loud as I walked to the door.

On the other side of the door, was none other thank humanity's strongest. He was wearing dress pants with a coat and a long sleeve blue shirt. The coat was draped over his shoulder without his arms in the sleeves and his cravat was ever present. Honestly? This look suits him so well it makes me even more excited to see him.

"Captain??" I squeaked out of confusion. I'm trying to not stare at his body for too long. But the way his slim pants laid on his hips were doing him so many favors.

"I'm not your captain, y/n. Just call me Levi." He said in his famous monotone voice with no hint of emotion besides annoyance.

"Oh, yea," I said quietly, where are my manners? "Um, come in then, Levi. We were just relaxing after taking care of some chores." I moved out of the way while opening the door up and gesturing him to the sitting area.

He looked around my house inquisitively. Why was he inspecting it? I know it's not a castle like he's used to living it but damn. He saw Jean sitting in a chair with the dogs and sighed heavily at the sight. "Glad to see you've been keeping up with your training, kid."

He set the dogs on the chair and stood too quickly. He slammed his fist over his heart with a tinge of fear in his eyes "Captain! You got here fast. I've been training in my off time when I'm not helping y/n with her house."

"Please, you eat my food and pop a squat right back in that chair and cover yourself in dogs for hours. If you're not there, your sitting by my dad or sleeping." I scoffed at the thought of him doing his training. But, if looks could kill I would be dead.

"I would say I hope he's been cleaning, but I can already tell he hasn't." He remarked as he dusted one of the decorative shelves that held tokens from my childhood. He picked up a piece of wood that laid against the wall behind it. "Is this supposed to be an owl?"

"Obviously." I retorted with a bit of shock. "I made that when I was seven out of pine cones and random nuts I found on the ground. I made them into an owl for my dad's birthday."

He looked over at me after he set the wooden slab back down. He set it in its place so delicately. "That's adorable." Was all he said with that straight face. Was he mocking me?

"I have a whole house to take care of, so I get to what I can. You can stay and clean if you want? And you can actually boss around my freeloader to do the same."

"I actually came back to take Kirstein back to the new headquarters with me."

"New headquarters?"

He sighed, "Yeah, we won Eren from the MPs but part of that required us to locate ourselves far from any big cities. So we put ourselves in a small castle located a few kilometers from here."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. The Scouts are this close to my home? I could see all my friends again? I felt the smile creep on my face at this. It was a welcome thought during this time.

"Did everyone come with you, Captain?"

"Stop calling me that. And yes, but I'll be working the day and night to make sure they are in top form for our first expedition in a month. So don't expect them to come visit you." It's like he was reading my mind, or my facial expression. This fucking guy had the audacity to ruin my day. Well, the least I can do is ruin someone else's.

"Ya hear that, Horseface? Your ass is going to get in shape finally! Don't come crying to me when you miss these last few days."

While Levi looked around at more of the knickknacks litter the living and kitchen areas Jean came over and stood next to me as he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I wouldn't mind coming back to see my favorite animals. But honestly, I hope I can get an ass half as good as yours." he mumbled but grabbed onto my butt at the same time as he said the word 'ass'.

And, I'm uncomfortable again. In my own house.

"Jean, I swear to god if you don't get your grubby boy hands off that woman right now I will show you what happens when a man touches someone without their permission." Levi growled as he started walking towards the scene within milliseconds of it starting.

The boy cowered away, after getting scolded, like a dog with his tail behind his leg.

Levi came over to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. I was surprised by the contact coming from the stone man. He looked into my eyes probably trying to read my expression. I know how I feel and I'm not very good at hiding it. "I'm okay, sir." I squeaked.

"Call me Levi, no sir necessary. And no you don't look okay. Don't worry, I've made some plans for him already to make up for the unwanted touching from my Scout." His look twisted a little more into anger as he got that sentence out. "I am sorry that I chose poorly when it came to your traveling partner." There was a softness that I saw for a second before he walked away.

I had zoned out for that minute. I was so caught off by his closeness and his eyes. I thought his eyes were blue, but now I realized they're grey. Not a hint of color in them, just like how his face lacks most emotion. His skin was so pale it was almost sickly, but his jaw was strong. What is his deal?

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