Chapter Twenty Four

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*y/n POV*

Before I could even get a word out my friends enveloped me in a big group hug. I saw the confusion on Connie's face at the same time as I saw the happiness light up Mikasa's.

The first arms to reach around me were Armin's followed by Mikasa and Eren. And then who else I couldn't even begin to say. It had been a month since I'd seen any of them. We've never been separated for more than a day since the day they walked into my house.

I could feel the tears of joy stream down my face while I tried my best to grapple onto one of the warm bodies surrounding me. I told myself I wouldn't let the waterworks go, but I guess it couldn't be helped. I hadn't seen these faces in too long! These familiar faces are around me because they survived the expedition and my heart is full.

Everyone was chattering over one another and I couldn't keep up with any of them. Before I could even get a word in with one of them I heard the Commander's voice boom over them, "Okay, everyone. Let's let y/n breathe for a minute before you suffocate her." At his words they did start loosening their grip on me.

The happy tears were still flowing when everyone finally let go. "I missed you all so much." I went right up to Mikasa and put her in my own tight embrace. She stiffened for a moment before reciprocating. "We have so much to talk about. I hope you kept the boys in check." She nodded into my neck while I whispered in her ear.

After I released her I looked around at all my comrades faces. They were all trying to make room for me to sit, but I know that I need to talk to Erwin before I get back to chatting. I hope Levi mentioned my return to him.

I made my way around the tables with my drink in my dominant hand. The higher-ups sat themselves in the far back corner. I only recognized the two men that I had previously met, but a crazy person in glasses stood herself up before I could reach him.

She extended her hand toward me and began, "Hi there! The name is Hange. You must be the infamous y/n?" Her smile was covering her face as she seemed too excited to see me.

I shook her hand with confusion. "Infamous?"

"Well that might be an exaggeration, but only slightly!" She looked over in the direction I was walking, "We will need to talk more in the future. I know you're heading towards Eyebrows and Shorty, and I don't want to slow you down any longer. Good luck!" She shoved me a little in their direction and I was just so startled by her energy. Those nicknames are too perfect too. I wish I could say those to their faces. She was almost too much, but just the perfect amount of crazy for me to be excited to talk to her another time.

As soon as I approached the table I saluted the commander and he waived my hand down. "Just sit down, y/n. We need to talk." I sat myself across from the commander and the captain, suddenly losing the will to speak. They both looked striking in their more casual clothes, and I was slightly star struck at being in this situation. Erwin, ever the charmer, started back up, "So, Levi told me you want back in the Scouts?"

I looked over to the smaller man and he was just blankly looking back at me. I was hoping for some reassurance, but I remembered that he told me I had the life he wanted and to stay home. Despite his honesty and comments on my choices, I looked back to my commander and told him, "Yes sir. My dad is almost back to normal, well as normal as life can be for him. And he gave me his blessing to return. If you'll have me."

Erwin stared at me for a few moments. I was too afraid to look anywhere else, because I might miss a look he gave me or something. He took a sip of his own beverage while I felt the energy in the air thicken. The silence from him was suffocating to say the least. I just wanted to know if he would accept me.

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