Chapter Eleven

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*y/n's POV*

It's been a few weeks since we saw the scouts and heard their spiel. And now it's time for us to graduate and make our choices.

I had talked to Mikasa about our encounter with the commander of the scouts, but all she'd said was "I will follow Eren wherever he goes, and I'm pretty sure he's going to want to join the scouts."

I had already thought about where I would go after graduation and it only made sense to join the scouts. If I ever wanted to see the other side of the wall and slash some titans I needed to be one of them. They were the best and I would only get better surrounding myself with them.

As we all gathered in front of the stage in formation with Shadis front and center, he called the names of the top ten cadets in no particular order. I stood in front of the whole 104th with all my friends I had made and the friends I had come here with.

Mikasa to my left and Armin on the right. I squeezed both their hand quickly as a reminder as to how proud I am of us and how far we've come. Armin squeezed my hand back and wouldn't let go. I couldn't help but smile harder than before because of my best friends action. This boy is the softest human I've ever gotten the pleasure to know and I hope to always know.

After we were give our moment of special recognition from our superior we got back in formation with everyone else. I could see my friends in their spots, but we didn't say anything to each other as we kept all eyes trained forward as Commander Erwin Smith made his grand entrance.

"Hello, again, 104th. I am proud to see so many of you have made it through your training. It is no mistake that you are here. You stood the testament of many long hours and trials not any average human can endure.

"As such, I am the first to offer you a home. We know that if you don't want to join, you will gladly make your home with the Garrison or the MPs. The scouts aren't for the weak of heart. Now, if you would like to join me, please stay. Otherwise, you are dismissed for now."

I am staying put. I have nowhere else I'd rather be. In the past three years, this is all I had known, I was supposed to be a Scout. Life is about taking risks and living for the day. If my years of hunting had taught me anything, it was perseverance when trying to attain my goals. I need to see where this while take me, both literally and mentally. I am ready to test myself like never before.

I look around and see that all but one of us from the top ten had stayed. And there were a few other people I have gotten to know that were standing their ground. Christa, a quiet tiny girls was one of the few that surprised me. She had a gentle soul and didn't seem like the type to want to get mixed in with the Scout Regiment, but I guess with her girlfriend Ymir she would be fine.

I walked over to Armin and nudged his arm. He smiled sweetly at me and my heart fluttered a bit, I couldn't tell if was from nerves or just this adorable boy smiling at me. He was always there to help me whenever I was upset or something happened. He had my back and I had his. I knew how Mikasa felt with Eren, because I felt the same for Armin.

We both turned to face the Commander. We straightened our backs and I stood with my fist over my heart and he followed in suit. It was a comfort to stand near my friend. Eren and Mikasa stood in their spots a few meters away from us. I knew that they had wanted this too. After the final people had scattered there were only fifteen of us that remained.

"So be it. Welcome to the Scouts." Erwin said sternly as he looked down at the teenagers that stood beneath him.


After every member chose their new homes, we were given the next few days to gather all our belongings and relax before the big move. I was ready for the next step to begin in Trost, but life told us we weren't ready.

So much had happened before any of us could process it. We had watched the current Scouts leave on an expedition beyond the walls, and on the same day Trost district was attacked by the Colossal Titan. He came out of nowhere and knocked a hole into the wall right through the gate leading out to Wall Maria, leading dozens of titans into the city.

From what Mikasa said, it was just like the day they had to flee Shiganshina. As soon as the Colossal appeared, he was gone, and never crossed into the city.

In the chaos, so many of our comrades lost their lives to the titans. We were trying our best to help evacuate, but it wasn't possible to help everyone. I followed Mikasa towards the broken gate to help fight off any new titans entering the city. I was face to face with them for the first time and it was exhilarating. The fear faded quickly and I remembered all of the days I spent hunting while at my home. This wasn't very different.

The first neck I sliced wasn't as graceful as I had hoped, but the next three were a piece of cake. Me and Mika were both flying through the air as we tag teamed the unwanted visitors. This is exactly what I hoped it would be like. After we had gone through half of our blades, we heard a scream of a titan, or at least that's what we assumed.

"Abnormal?" I shouted over the chaos that enveloped me and my friend.

"I'm not sure." Was all she yelled back before she started propelling her in that general direction.

I followed closely behind her. When we found where all the commotion was from we were in shock. There was a titan that had long black hair and was killing the other titans around it. We had heard about abnormals before, but none had ever attacked their own kind. Not long after it took out the few around it, it collapsed. After a few seconds, steam started releasing from it's nape. And out of the steam, we saw Eren.

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